The Chuichu Survey: Evaluation of Archaeological Sites on the Edge of the Papagueria

Author(s): W. S. Marmaduke; D. G. Robinson

Year: 1983


Northland Research, Inc. has inspected 3,408 acres of proposed agricultural development land on the Chuichu District of the Sells Papago Indian Reservation. The Bureau of Reclamation sponsored the survey under contract 0-07-30-X0072, for cultural resource services to its Indian Distribution Division of the Central Arizona Project. Within the proposed development area, Northland recorded 50 archaeological sites, most of them being areas of widely scattered cultural debris without evident structural remains. Several sites include "burned rock middens," commonly attributed in the west to large-scale processing of Agave. The majority of the 50 sites at Chuichu, including the middens, appear to date to the Santa Cruz/ Sacaton Phase of the prehistoric Hohokam culture, although some artifactual material suggests earlier and later Hohokam use of the area as well. A small number of the Chuichu sites are the remains of historic Papago homesteads associated with the nearby settlement of Chuichu. Comparison of the Chuichu data with the results of previous Papaguerian investigations indicate that most prehistoric Chuichu sites are probably ruined villages or temporary field settlements. The density and diversity of artifacts further hints that the prehistoric Chuichu sites are part of a larger local community stretching out to the north along Greene Wash. The extensive distribution of middens throughout this area implies that Agave-processing was important in the local economy of this extended settlement. Northland finds that further investigation of the sites at Chuichu is warranted to insure adequate preservation of significant data.

Cite this Record

The Chuichu Survey: Evaluation of Archaeological Sites on the Edge of the Papagueria. W. S. Marmaduke, D. G. Robinson. 1983 ( tDAR id: 191274) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8191274

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.204; min lat: 32.501 ; max long: -110.448; max lat: 33.466 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager

Sponsor(s): Central Arizona Project

Prepared By(s): Northland Research, Inc.

Submitted To(s): Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office

Record Identifiers

Work Unit No.(s): Task 4

NADB document id number(s): 2203316; 1000395

Report No.(s): DI-BR-APO-CCRS83-4

NADB citation id number(s): 000000167420; 000000012388

Contract No.(s): 0-07-30-X0072

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