Archeological Inventory and Evaluation at the Carrigan and Burch Properties, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield Illinois

Author(s): Janis L. Dial-Jones

Year: 2010


The Midwest Archeological Center conducted field investigations at Lincoln Home National Historic Site in Springfield, Illinois in 2005 and 2006 in conjunction with the preparation of Historic Structure Reports on two of the houses that originally stood in the Abraham Lincoln neighborhood in close proximity to the Lincoln Home itself, the Carrigan house immediately next door to the north and the Burch house directly across Eighth Street to the west. An archeological inventory and evaluation of each of those two properties was undertaken for two purposes: 1) to collect archeological data that would be considered in combination with historic archival documentation to determine if sufficient information exists to enable the accurate reconstruction of the two houses, and 2) to assess the potential impact of reconstruction on any significant historic archeological resources present on the two properties.

Multiple episodes of building construction, modification, adaptive reuse, repair, and demolition have taken place at the two properties over the past 150 years, resulting in an archeological record that is complicated, particularly at Carrigan. Substantial remains of the Carrigan house and associated features were identified during the project, including foundation walls, several cellars, an intact cistern, and the possible remains of corner supports or shallow foundations for two outbuildings. When the Carrigan house was replaced by a second house in 1879, elements of the original structure were incorporated into the new one in areas where the footprints of the two houses overlapped, serving to preserve many of the Carrigan features that probably otherwise would not have survived.

Much of the Burch property was found to have been heavily disturbed by the construction and later demolition of two early twentieth century commercial buildings and an apartment house. Nevertheless, two remnant sections of the north Burch house foundation were identified together with two chimney-related features and a small interior well. The truncated lower portion of a mortar-lined cistern was also identified immediately outside the projected location of the southwest corner of the house. Recommendations for management of the archeological resources on the Carrigan and Burch properties are provided. Several possible directions for future archeological research are suggested.

Cite this Record

Archeological Inventory and Evaluation at the Carrigan and Burch Properties, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield Illinois. Janis L. Dial-Jones. Midwest Archeological Center Technical Report ,No. 125. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service. 2010 ( tDAR id: 376091) ; doi:10.6067/XCV80G3JVN

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