Author(s): Linda Scott Cummings

Year: 2004


Development of macrophysical climate models was instrumental in creating archaeoclimatic

models of past climates for specific locations (Bryson, 1998). Modeled mean temperature

and precipitation "by month for each two centuries back to 14,000 years BP" (Bryson, n.d.:1)

can be created. In addition, these parameters may be used to generate a "water budget",

comparing precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, storm intensity and frequency, snowfall,

and other climatic factors. Paleoenvironmental information for a specific location is most

appropriately available through a combination of point specific archaeoclimatic modeling and close interval

stratigraphic pollen or pollen and phytolith sampling.

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ARCHAEOCLIMATIC MODEL FOR SAFFORD, ARIZONA. Linda Scott Cummings. 2004 ( tDAR id: 379234) ; doi:10.6067/XCV80Z72RX

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