Gebel el Silsila (Upper Egypt): Introducing the Archaeological Project

Author(s): Maria Nilsson

Year: 2016


Though long admired for its Pharaonic stelae, shrines, and Speos, the grand ancient site of Gebel el Silsila remains fairly unknown within mainstream Archaeology. A general idea is that the site operated merely as a sandstone quarry, but few are aware of its rich archaeology that incorporates evidence of millennia of human activity and cultural features that meet seven of UNESCO’s ten outstanding values. Since 2012 the Swedish-run archaeological project works towards changing previous misconceptions, and in conducting a comprehensive archaeological study the aim is to increase the general awareness of the site’s importance and unique legacy. The aim is here to present an introduction to the project, its new approaches, discoveries and results achieved so far. Epigraphic reference will be made to the recent findings of the enigmatic boat scene in the rock-cut temple, a unique stela of Amun-Ra and Thoth, and a quick summary of the complex non-textual marking system with 5000 documented signs. Archaeologically, we will explore the re-discovered Temple of Kheny with its exceptional Thutmosid limestone fragments, an administrative building known to the team as Tiberius’ Stables, and round up with an announcement of the discovery of a remarkable object from the reign of Amenhotep III.

Cite this Record

Gebel el Silsila (Upper Egypt): Introducing the Archaeological Project. Maria Nilsson. Presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando, Florida. 2016 ( tDAR id: 405025)

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