"Everybody Knows Remmey:" Analysis of a Stoneware Kiln Waste Deposit Recovered along I-95 in Philadelphia.

Author(s): Rebecca L White; Meta F Janowitz

Year: 2016


The Remmey family is known for the distinctive blue decorated salt-glazed stoneware they produced at potteries in New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia during the 18th and 19th centuries. From the 1870s through 1910 the Remmeys manufactured fire brick and chemical stoneware at their large pottery in the Kensington section of Philadelphia. Excavations in advance of construction for the I-95 project in Philadelphia exposed an isolated stoneware waster dump associated with the Remmey manufacturing site. The fragments recovered from this dump are providing information on the vessel forms produced and the kiln furniture utilized during the period when the potters were beginning to expand their range of production from exclusively domestic wares to industrial ceramics.

Cite this Record

"Everybody Knows Remmey:" Analysis of a Stoneware Kiln Waste Deposit Recovered along I-95 in Philadelphia.. Rebecca L White, Meta F Janowitz. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Washington, D.C. 2016 ( tDAR id: 434388)


Spatial Coverage

min long: -129.199; min lat: 24.495 ; max long: -66.973; max lat: 49.359 ;

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Contact(s): Society for Historical Archaeology

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PaperId(s): 476