Preservation Brief 37, Appropriate Methods for Reducing Lead-Paint Hazards in Historic Housing

Author(s): Sharon C. Park; Douglas C. Hicks

Year: 2004


This is number thirty-seven of 42 preservation briefs prepared by the Technical Preservation Services of the National Park Service. This brief focuses on the appropriate methods for reducing lead-paint hazards in historic housing.

The premise of this Preservation Brief is that historic housing can be made lead-safe for children without removing significant decorative features and finishes, or architectural trimwork that may contribute to the building's historic character. Historic housing--encompassing private dwellings and all types of rental units--is necessarily the focus of this Brief because federal and state laws primarily address the hazards of lead and lead-based paint in housing and day-care centers to protect the health of children under six years of age. Rarely are there mandated requirements for the removal of lead-based paint from non-residential buildings.

Cite this Record

Preservation Brief 37, Appropriate Methods for Reducing Lead-Paint Hazards in Historic Housing. Sharon C. Park, Douglas C. Hicks. 2004 ( tDAR id: 436373) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8436373

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