Shipbuilding in the Australian colonies before 1850

Author(s): Mark Staniforth; Cass Philippou

Year: 2014


Shipbuilding in a colonial context draws on traditions from a variety of places including the parent culture. Colonial shipbuilding adapts and evolves over time to meet the local environmental conditions, the availability of endemic and other timbers and to suit the requirements of local and regional mercantile commerce. Establishing the identity and biography of colonial shipbuilders is key to understanding the processes which underpin shipbuilding development. This paper considers shipbuilding in the Williams River area of NSW and in southern Tasmania as two case studies in shipbuilding in the early Australian colonies.

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Shipbuilding in the Australian colonies before 1850. Mark Staniforth, Cass Philippou. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2014 ( tDAR id: 436949)

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Contact(s): Society for Historical Archaeology

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PaperId(s): SYM-40,07