Preliminary Report of a Maritime Archaeological Survey at Sandy Point, St. Kitts, British West Indies


From the 17th through the mid-19th centuries, England defended the town of Sandy Point at the northwestern end of St. Kitts from seizure by rival nations. As one of the earliest English settlements in the Caribbean and a major trading center for European goods, enslaved Africans and island produce, Sandy Point was protected by fortifications at Brimstone Hill and Charles Fort. Responding to assaults by the French, British construction at Sandy Point continued between 1672 and 1732, creating ‘the Gibraltar of the West Indies’. Despite the Treaties of Utrecht (1713) and Versailles (1783) affirming control of St. Kitts by England, the French attacked Sandy Point until the 19th century. Archaeological surveys of the sea floor, shoreline and coastal trading zones have revealed artifacts and features of the historical anchorage, fortifications and merchant storage sites. Volunteers from the local community, including students, have participated by investigating, recording and appreciating their island heritage.

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Preliminary Report of a Maritime Archaeological Survey at Sandy Point, St. Kitts, British West Indies. Cameron Gill, Dennis Knepper, Raymond Hayes, Monique Klarenbeek, Bill Utley, Francois Van Der Hoeven. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2014 ( tDAR id: 437111)

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PaperId(s): SYM-57,09