Closing Pandora’s Box: From Salvage Archaeology to In-Situ Preservation of Contact Period Aboriginal Sites in Ontario

Author(s): Jim Sherratt

Year: 2014


The implementation of new policies in Ontario regarding archaeology signals a renewed commitment to in-situ preservation of archaeological sites in Ontario. The new policies provide opportunities for First Nations to participate in the decision making and for new partners in the effort to reverse the trend of mitigation of archaeological sites by excavation to a more sustainable model of in-situ preservation and conservation. This paper will explore the historical development and future directions of the archaeology of post contact Aboriginal sites in Ontario.

Cite this Record

Closing Pandora’s Box: From Salvage Archaeology to In-Situ Preservation of Contact Period Aboriginal Sites in Ontario. Jim Sherratt. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2014 ( tDAR id: 437310)

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Contact(s): Society for Historical Archaeology

Record Identifiers

PaperId(s): SYM-74,02