Battling the Climate Crisis: Submerged Cultural Resource Monitoring with Women Veteran Citizen Scientists


This is an abstract from the session entitled "Methods for Monitoring Heritage at Risk Sites in a Rapidly Changing Environment", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

As part of an interdisciplinary marine science “Women Wounded Veterans in National Parks” program, a group of women veterans assisted National Park Service (NPS) underwater archaeologists with a pilot citizen science submerged cultural resources monitoring effort at Dry Tortugas National Park. This project had a specific focus on exploring the effects of climate change on park cultural resources. The women veterans helped NPS archaeologists develop avocational methodologies for monitoring, guided by the Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Act of 2017 (15 U.S. Code § 3724), which gives guidance to federal agencies on how to develop and include citizen scientists in their programming. This paper discusses the development and implementation of the Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Act into climate change cultural resource monitoring.  

Cite this Record

Battling the Climate Crisis: Submerged Cultural Resource Monitoring with Women Veteran Citizen Scientists. Anne E. Wright, Jeneva P. Wright, Josephine Ketten. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Lisbon, Portugal. 2023 ( tDAR id: 475849)


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