Ceramic: Corrugated gray, bowl, AZRU1-997


Corrugated gray, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #997. Morris FS 4782. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Exterior surface is partially obliterated corrugated and interior surface is scraped plain. Temper is granular igneous rock suggesting manufacture at Aztec. Vessel is 100% complete with 40% reconstructed with unknown plaster material. Measurements: 11.6 cm diameter, 5.5 cm height. Image AZRU1-997 A: interior view showing orifice and interior surface. Image AZRU1-997 B: interior view showing orifice and interior surface. Image AZRU1-997 C: view of exterior base. Image AZRU1-997 D: exterior side view showing corrugations. Image AZRU1-997 E: exterior side view showing corrugations. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 175, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 175 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The floor of Room 175…. had been long used as evidenced by hardness and stain. About 1 foot west of the center was a nearly circular fireplace….lined with sandstones set on edge so that they reached 2 to 3 inches above the floor. Refuse…completely filled the chamber, with the exception of a surface layer….composed of material fallen from the walls of Rooms 188a and 188b. Burials Nos. 84 to 87 inclusive were in the refuse and from it came parts of eleven pottery vessels….The original north wall had fallen or been torn down to within 4 feet of its west end and finally re-built with much more carelessly laid masonry. No doorways are observable either in this room or in Room 188.” (Morris 1928:408) Reference: Earl Morris, 1928, Notes on Excavations in the Aztec Ruin, Volume XXVI, Part V, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, New York. For burials see Earl Morris, 1924, Burials in the Aztec Ruin and the Aztec Ruin Annex, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History Vol. XXVI, Parts III and IV, American Museum of Natural History, New York.

Cite this Record

Ceramic: Corrugated gray, bowl, AZRU1-997. Lori Reed. 2011. Aztec Ruins National Monument ( tDAR id: 374679) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8SF2TSB

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1110 to 1140 (Late Chacoan)

Calendar Date: 1140 to 1280 (Post-Chacoan)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -108.038; min lat: 36.803 ; max long: -107.955; max lat: 36.861 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Gary Brown

Contributor(s): Anne Grulich; Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, NM

Principal Investigator(s): Lori Reed

Repository(s): Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, NM; American Museum of Natural History, New York City, NY


Rights & Attribution: Artifact was collected from Aztec West Ruin excavations by Earl Morris between 1916 and 1922. Morris' excavations were sponsored and funded by the American Museum of Natural History, New York.

General Note: High resolution images of the item are archived and available to researchers through the National Park Service, Aztec Ruins National Monument.

General Note: Publication or use of the image is restricted; permission may be obtained through consultation with American Museum of Natural History and Aztec Ruins National Monument.

Source Collections

Original Items: American Museum of Natural History, New York, and NPS, Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, New Mexico

Image: NPS, Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, New Mexico

Related Comparative Collections

Aztec Ruins Collections housed at Hibben Center, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

Aztec Ruins Collections housed at American Museum of Natural History, New York

Aztec Ruins Collections housed at Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, New Mexico

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
azru1-997-e.jpg 130.12kb Jan 25, 2012 4:05:39 PM Public
azru1-997-b.jpg 207.51kb Jan 25, 2012 4:05:39 PM Public
azru1-997-c.jpg 172.02kb Jan 25, 2012 4:05:41 PM Public
azru1-997-d.jpg 121.59kb Jan 25, 2012 4:05:42 PM Public
azru1-997-a.jpg 199.50kb Jan 25, 2012 8:44:11 AM Public