Grades 4-12 Education Resources - Mimbres Pottery Digital Database


This collection contains a set of lessons and associated materials for grades 4-12. The lessons use the Mimbres Pottery Images Digital Database (MimPIDD) to engage students in different aspects of archaeological analyses. Students will learn about the Mimbres Region, archaeology, visual analysis, coding, analysis and assessment of data, and creative interpretation.

The Mimbres Pottery Images Digital Database (MimPIDD) was created by Harvard Peabody Museum Curator emeritus Steven LeBlanc and Arizona State University Professor Michelle Hegmon. It contains images of and data about more than 10,000 Mimbres pottery vessels, and is available through the Digital Archaeological Record or tDAR at

The creation of MimPIDD as made possible by generous support from the Turner Foundation. Its continuous refinement is supported by the Mimbres Foundation.

The National Endowment for the Humanities funded a two-year grant (2018-2019) entitled “From Library to Laboratory: Developing Tools to Enhance the Use of Digital Archaeological and Other Humanities Collections,” Hegmon was the principle investigator. That funding supported the development of the search functions used in many of the educational programs. The education programs were developed as part of the “Library to Laboratory” work, funded by the Center for Archaeology and Society at Arizona State University. The programs were developed by April Kamp-Whittaker.

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Grades 4-12 Education Resources - Mimbres Pottery Digital Database. ( tDAR id: 455448) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8455448

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Contact(s): April Kamp-Whittaker; Michelle Hegmon

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