Gileodabeshta 2 excavations, Lake Eyasi, Tanzania


Gileodabeshta is located at 1035 m asl in open grasslands, near where the Matete River runs into Lake Eyasi (which lies at ca. 1000 m asl). It is very close to Ishimijega Shelter (Mehlman 1989). Gileodabeshta was originally called "Matete-Streminsel Fundstelle" or "Flussinsel im Matete" by Kohl-Larsen (1943) and was called "Matete River Site" by Mehlman (1989). It was surface-collected by Kohl-Larsen, and Mehlman studied the collections and identified mainly SPN-Narosura pottery as well as some other (Kansyore, Nderit, Iron Age) sherds. A. Mabulla surveyed the area and identified other discrete find areas (named G1-G3), and he tested G2 in 1997. Rubaka (2002) excavated G1 and G3. Rubaka published some information on the ceramics, but lithics and fauna were not studied.

In 2006, M. Prendergast and A. Mabulla opened two trenches (Units 4 and 5) at G2. Here faunal data and dates are presented from these trenches. Bioturbation by rodents and insects has led to problems dating the SPN materials.

Cite this Record

Gileodabeshta 2 excavations, Lake Eyasi, Tanzania. ( tDAR id: 6660) ; doi:10.6067/XCV82F7PVQ


Spatial Coverage

min long: 35.245; min lat: -3.595 ; max long: 35.288; max lat: -3.554 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Mary Prendergast

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-4 of 4)


  1. Plan of Gileodabeshta 2 excavations


  1. Fauna from Gileodabeshta 2 - ageing (fauna)
  2. Fauna from Gileodabeshta 2 - ageing (teeth)
  3. Fauna from Gileodabeshta 2 - taxonomic distribution