Oaxaca (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

101-125 (255 Records)

La Casa del Sur: una unidad palaciega perteneciente al Conjunto Monumental de Atzompa, Oaxaca (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Axel Andrade Pérez.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Se muestran los resultados de las excavaciones efectuadas desde el 2015 al 2018 en el área sureste de la zona nuclear del Conjunto Monumental Atzompa, denominada la Casa del Sur, las características arquitectónicas de esta unidad habitacional son de alto estatus, la cual servía como área de interacción, tránsito y control entre el nivel más bajo y los sectores...

La Cueva de las Manitas: Conservación y Arqueología Experimental (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lilia Rivero Weber. Nelly Robles García.

This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II, Current Research in Oaxaca Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cueva de las Manitas is located in the municipality of Cuicatlán, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, a place that is part of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve (RBTC). It is a rockshelter painted with anthropomorphic elements such as human bodies and hands (the reason for its name), zoomorphic and symbolic elements....

La documentación 3D como herramienta para el diagnostico y la conservación en Monte Alban (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jose Huchim.

This is an abstract from the "Avances en los estudios de la arquitectura de Monte Albán" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. La utilización de tecnologías de punta para el tratamiento de la problemática de Conservación y la Investigación en Monte Albán ha sido tendencia desde hace al menos una década. Hoy en día, el levantamiento de imagen 3D de alta resolución, nos permite realizar los análisis de deterioros y las propuestas de intervención de...

La documentación por métodos tradicionales y tecnologías avanzadas (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Osvaldo Sterpone.

This is an abstract from the "La Restauración de Monumentos Prehispánicos en México: Principios, Práctica, y Visión al Futuro" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Se presentan los fundamentos de los principios estratigráficos en el proceso de documentación para la conservación de monumentos arqueológicos enfocado al caso de Monte Albán. En el procedimiento de documentación fueron utilizados instrumentos geofísicos que contribuyen a la identificación de...

La excavación monumental en Yaxchilán e Iglesia Vieja, Chiapas, México (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Akira Kaneko.

This is an abstract from the "La Restauración de Monumentos Prehispánicos en México: Principios, Práctica, y Visión al Futuro" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. La liberación por el medio de excavación y consolidación de los monumentos prehispánicos tiene una larga historia en la arqueología mexicana. Los métodos de las excavaciones de los conjuntos arquitectónicos de los sitios arqueológicos a cual definimos como la excavación monumental....

La gestión y colaboración interinstitucional con la CFE y SCT para la protección del patrimonio arqueológico en Oaxaca (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Olga Landa.

La numerosa y acelerada construcción de infraestructura en México, suelen poner en riesgo la subsistencia de los vestigios arqueológicos ubicados a lo largo y ancho del territorio, los cuales deben ser salvaguardados, sin que esto signifique detener el desarrollo del país. En este sentido se planeó conjuntamente con la Comisión Federal de Electricidad y la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, la instrumentación de mecanismos adecuados para que la realización de las obras sea planificada...

La gran línea de vida: Una arqueología alternativa para el contexto de los Pueblos Indígenas (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Liana Jiménez Osorio. Emmanuel Posselt Santoyo.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En esta ponencia presentaremos “la Gran Línea de Vida”, una propuesta teórica-metodológica desde la Arqueología que toma como punto de partida los vínculos culturales entre el presente y el pasado precolonial de los Pueblos Indígenas en México. Esta propuesta fue desarrollada en el contexto de Ñuu Savi (La Mixteca Alta de Oaxaca) y bajo un enfoque...

La producción cerámica en Atzompa (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yazmin Martínez Martínez.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Atzompa floreció durante un lapso de tiempo marcado por la expansión del estado Zapoteca dirigido por Monte Albán. De acuerdo a la evidencia arqueológica de Atzompa la producción cerámica represento una acción importante dentro de la sociedad atzompeña, donde posiblemente la élite del lugar dirigió esta acción.

La Sorpresa Hotel in Mitla, Oaxaca: Gateway to 150 Years of Mexican Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam Sellen.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper I will investigate 150 years of Mexican archaeology by analyzing La Sorpresa, a hotel-museum-research center located in Mitla, Oaxaca. Using archival materials, principally photographs and correspondence, I will explore the hotel as a memory space, emphasizing the interactions of archaeologists and travelers who stayed there, considering also the...

Lambityeco Oaxaca and Domestic Organization during the Xoo Phase (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Markens. Cira Martínez López.

This is an abstract from the "Cholula to Chachoapan: Celebrating the Career of Michael Lind" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper focuses on domestic household organization at the Late Classic period site of Lambityeco in the Valley of Oaxaca and complements the important work of Michael Lind on political organization there. Excavations carried out at Lambityeco in 2002–2003 under the auspices of INAH explored 17 commoner houses, 9 tombs,...

Late Classic and Early Postclassic Residential Spaces of Rio Viejo, Oaxaca: Preliminary Results (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Akira Ichikawa. Arthur Joyce.

This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse: Current Research in Oaxaca Part I" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Río Verde Project-2022 examined changes in domestic economy at the city of Río Viejo during the Classic to Postclassic transition. Horizontal excavations were carried out in two low status residential areas. In both areas excavations moved from Early Postclassic domestic space near the surface into Late Classic residential areas...

Level Forms Terrace O8 (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This pdf file contains all of the level forms for Terrace O8, which were excavated in January of 2015.

Level Forms Terrace S19 (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This .pdf file contains all of the level forms for the excavations conducted on Terrace S19, on Cerro Danush in Oaxaca, Mexico. Excavations took place between August and November of 2009. The first two pages show the grid system and the level forms are organized by northing and easting. Please see the project report for 2010 for more information.

Level Forms Terrace S25 (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This .pdf file contains the level forms for the 2m x 2m units excavated on Terrace S25 of Cerro Danush in Oaxaca Mexico. This fieldwork was conducted between January of 2015 and June of 2015. The first page contains the grid system used to determine the unit northing and easting. For more information, please see the Project Report for 2015.

Lidar Mapping of a Zapotec City: Cultural Hybridity and Ethnogenesis in Postclassic Guiengola, Oaxaca (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pedro Ramon Celis.

This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse: Current Research in Oaxaca Part I" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper, I will discuss how Zapotecs both continued and innovated the construction traditions from the central valleys of Oaxaca in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec by showing the results of the analysis of the lidar scan made during the 2022–2023 field season of the Guiengola Archaeological Project. The archaeological site of...

Life after Urbanism: Investigating Classic Period Cities and Settlements in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Veronica Perez Rodriguez.

This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II, Current Research in Oaxaca Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Those of us working in the Mixteca Alta region of Oaxaca have heard the saying that the “Classic period” in the region took place earlier, in the Late Preclassic. While the Classic period (AD 300-800) was a time of urban florescence in the Valley of Oaxaca, Basin of Mexico, Puebla, and the Mixteca Baja regions, investigations into...

Local and Imported Ceramics from a Feasting Assemblage at Etlatongo: Preliminary INAA Results (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Breault. Jeffrey P. Blomster. Daniel E. Pierce. Michael D. Glascock.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) conducted on a late Middle Formative ceramic sample recently excavated at Etlatongo, in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico, demonstrates both local ceramic production and regional interaction with the Valley of Oaxaca. A total of 78 vessel fragments dating to the Yucuita phase (500-300 BCE) were recovered from...

Long-Term Use of Local Clays in Potting Traditions during Early Urbanization in the Nochixtlán Valley of the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico, 500–100 BCE (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karleen Ronsairo.

This is an abstract from the "Step by Step: Tracing World Potting Traditions through Ceramic Petrography" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Mixteca Alta Ceramic Study (MACS) in the Nochixtlán Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, aims to understand how early urbanization in the valley impacted potters’ crafting techniques over time and space. Early urbanization in the valley spanned the Yucuita and Early Ramos ceramic phases (500–100 BCE) of the Middle to...

The Lords of Lambityeco: Political Evolution in the Valley of Oaxaca during the Xoo Phase (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Lind. Javier Urcid.

The Valley of Oaxaca was unified under the rule of Monte Albán until its collapse around AD 800. Using findings from John Paddock's long-term excavations at Lambityeco from 1961 to 1976, Michael Lind and Javier Urcid examine the political and social organization of the ancient community during the Xoo Phase (Late Classic period). Focusing on change within this single archaeological period rather than between time periods, The Lords of Lambityeco traces the changing political relationships...

Los Antepasados Eran Más Valientes: Ancient and Modern Movement in the Sierra Sur Mountains (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marijke Stoll.

This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse: Current Research in Oaxaca Part II" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. People living in the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains still travel largely on foot, especially where cars are impossible or when they are moving their livestock from one place to another. Prior to the widespread ownership of cars today, travel by foot was even more common and was the only mode of transportation in the prehispanic era....

Los Chimalapas, the Connection of the Zoque with Oaxaca (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emiliano Gallaga.

This is an abstract from the "Dynamic Frontiers in the Archaeology of Chiapas" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The archaeological community of the Zoque is still under development in the state of Chiapas. Most of the archaeological research focuses on the Maya and some on the Soconusco Coastal region, but very little research on the Zoque themselves. We know that the Zoque had a very complex long-distance regional trade network from where they...

Los Horcones and Teotihuacan: Agency, Art, and Interaction (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Des Lauriers. Claudia García-Des Lauriers.

This is an abstract from the "Teotihuacan: Multidisciplinary Research on Mesoamerica's Classic Metropolis" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Artistic representations are often the most salient indices of interaction between Teotihuacan and other communities throughout Mesoamerica. Interpretation of this artistic evidence, however, is complicated and often quite contested in the archaeological literature. In this paper, we would like to explore...

Los Horcones, Offering 1: 3D Imaging, Analysis, and Reconstruction (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Luke Burnor. Claudia Garcia-Des Lauriers.

The three dimensional imaging of artifacts discovered at the Los Horcones site in Southern Chiapas Mexico has enabled archaeologists to approach artifacts in a brand new way. With the use of a 3D scanner hardware and 3D program software, objects and features of various sizes are scanned to create a proportional and scale digital version. The scanning of artifacts allows for minimal handling of the objects decreasing the likelihood of wear, damage, deterioration, and contamination, effectively...

Los Horcones, Offering 1: The Archaeology of Music and Ritual on the Pacific Coast of Chiapas (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marlen Hinojosa. Claudia Garcia-Des Lauriers. Matthew Des Lauriers.

Offering 1 from Los Horcones is an assemblage of figurine masks, whistles, rattles and vessels that offers an interesting opportunity for analysis that provides information of the auditory, olfactory, and visual experience of this small ritual. The offering, initially thought to be simply a collection of figurines and masks, were later discovered to be whistles—small musical instruments whose simplicity belies the importance of the meanings they encoded. Experimental archaeological analysis...

Los sitios arqueológicos de la Mixteca vistos como espacios caminables (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emmanuel Posselt Santoyo.

This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse: Current Research in Oaxaca Part I" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Los sitios arqueológicos han sido vistos comúnmente como un conjunto de elementos arquitectónicos, generando una visión estática del espacio. Sin embargo, en esta presentación los entenderé también como espacios caminables, es decir, sitios que eran transitados por personas en tiempos precoloniales. Durante los recorridos...