Ancient Structure (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Ball Court

Architectural remnant of a prehistoric building of unknown form or function. Use more specific term if possible.

26-50 (288 Records)

Archaeological Testing at Site AZ BB:9:58 (ASM), the Vista Del Rio Site, Tucson, Arizona (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David P. Doak.

Between October 19 and 30, 1998, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted an archaeological testing operation at Site AZ BB:9:58 (ASM), the Vista del Rio Site, in Tucson, Arizona. Thirty-six backhoe trenches were excavated on the property; a total of 36 features, including 15 pithouses, 12 pits, 2 thermal features, 4 cremations, and 3 indeterminate features, were identified, mainly in the western half of the site. Based on these numbers and the size of the sample, we...

Archaeological Work on Ossabaw - Planning and Correspondence (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles E. Pearson. David C. Crass. Ronnie Rogers.

Correspondence regarding archaeological work on Ossabaw Island, Bead Maker's Mound

Archaeology at the Gillespie Dam Site: Data Recovery Investigations for the Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Alaina Harmon

In this report, the results of data recovery efforts conducted for the Palo Verde to Pinal West transmission line project at the Gillespie Dam site, AZ T:13:18 (ASM), in the Gila Bend area of the Gila River are presented. The site is a prehistoric Hohokam-Patayan settlement with an overlay of Historic era material. Fieldwork primarily occurred within the construction staging area of a transmission tower. Although covering less than an acre, the staging area contained surprising numbers of...

The Archaeology of Schoolhouse Point Mesa, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites, Schoolhouse Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Owen Lindauer.

The Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) was one of three mitigative data recovery studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with the Arizona State University Office of Cultural Resource...

Archeological Progress Report No. 2, Field Season of 1957 (1957)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Smithsonian Institution. Missouri Basin Project.

The 1957 summer field season began the twelfth year of continuous operation of the Missouri Basin Project and of the Inter-Agency Archeological and Paleontological Salvage Program. The first eleven years have been outstandingly productive despite several setbacks. The twelfth year began with an even more encouraging prospect than many of the previous years. The areas within the Missouri Basin that have been or soon will be lost forever to scientific archeological investigation due to dam...

Archeomagnetic Dating (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert DuBois. Keith M. Anderson.

This cocument contains 2 letters concerning a proposal for an archeomagnetic dating project in Compound A at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and the results of the work performed by the Earth Sciences Observatory at the University of Oklahoma.

Astronomical correspondence (1971)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul Shumacher. Roland Richert.

These documents are a series of letters regarding research on the astronomical features in the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. It also includes an invoice and billing information for the services provided by John Malloy for a 1971 report concerning the astronomical features. Outlined are details of equipment needed and labor required to complete proposed research on astronomical features in the Great House.

Aztec West Ruin: Pre-Backfilling Architectural Photo-Documentation
PROJECT Gary Brown.

This project includes rectified images of architectural features and masonry in rooms at Aztec West Ruin. The images were taken prior to backfilling efforts and during architectural documentation. Digital images were created either using a digital camera or scanned from photographic slides. To date, photographs from the east wing and northeastern corner of West Ruin have been ingested into tDAR.

The Bartlett Dam Project: Archaeological Test Excavations at Fourteen Sites in the Lower Verde Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gregory R. Seymour. Mark Slaughter. WIlliam L. Deaver. Richard V. N. Ahlstrom.

This report documents the results of a testing program completed by SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants in August of 1990 in anticipation of the modification of Bartlett Dam. Modifications to the dam were planned as part of the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) and the Safety of Dams Project. During the month of April, 1990, archaeologists from Northland Research, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 929 acres located on the Lower Verde River...

The Bartlett Reservoir Cultural Resources Survey (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Claudine Gravel-Miguel

At the request of the Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted an intensive Class III cultural resources survey of approximately 1,700 acres of the Lower Verde Area around the perimeter of Bartlett Reservoir on the Tonto National Forest. Approximately 150 acres of the project area were inaccessible due to either the elevated level of Bartlett Reservoir or steep terrain. This survey identified 108 sites, which far exceeded original...

Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: An Addendum to Preliminary Draft for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Bradford. Peter J. Pilles, Jr..

As a result of the Salt River Project consultant's meeting on June 18, 1974, additional, more current information on the Arizona Station Project was made available to the Museum of Northern Arizona. Because of this, it was decided that the archaeological recommendations for the project should be reviewed and re-submitted. This report discusses the new developments and presents the basis for conclusions made regarding the archaeological assessments.

Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard V. Ahlstrom. James E. Bradford.

The initial Phase I investigation for the Salt River Project 1978 Power Plant Study has been completed. This report presents that data which was collected during library research and actual field reconnaissance and is intended to offer a background on the archaeological and ethno-historical resource base of the two proposed areas being considered for plant site and wellfield location. A discussion of the possible impacts with alternatives to these is also included. The report includes...

Bird and Fish Remains from Isla Cilvituk: Evidence of Market Niche Construction in a Postclassic Maya Lacustrine Environment (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brandon McIntosh.

Through evolutionary ecology and niche construction theory, animal exploitation among the inhabitants of Postclassic Isla Cilvituk (A.D. 900-1520) is explored in light of both subsistence and market strategy. An ecological approach is taken to understand how local ecosystems influenced animal exploitation in relation to hunting strategies and market trade at Isla Cilvituk and other sites across the Maya Lowlands. An ecological approach also contributes relevant data to aid in modern conservation...

Casa Grande Arizona (1913)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jesse Walter Fewkes.

This document is an extract from the 28th annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. It chronicles the excavations at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument between 1906 and 1907.

Ceramic clusters resulting from corrugated ceramic technological analysis (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Ceramic technological clusters associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities books [Chapter 5]. See Coding guides and raw data for additional details. File ceramic_clust.csv contains the data formatted for analysis in R as output by the code in the associated document: "R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis, Chapter 5" These data pertain to Chapter 5 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola...

Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples

Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples

Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of 191.7 Acres for the Salt River Project Southeast Power Link 230kV Transmission Line in the Cities of Mesa and Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew Steber. Jennifer Deats.

PaleoWest, LLC (PaleoWest) is under contract to Salt River Project (SRP) to conduct a Class I literature review for 203.5 acres of private and ASLD land (Project area), and a Class III cultural resource inventory of 191.7 acres of private land (Survey area) in the Cities of Mesa and Queen Creek, within Maricopa County, Arizona (Project). The remaining Project acreage consists of ASLD land, which was previously surveyed by Northland Research, Inc. in 2019. Of the 191.7-acre Survey area, a total...

Class III Cultural Resource Survey of 244.1 Acres of Withdrawn Land Near Bartless Dam in the Cave Creek Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest, Maricopa County, Arizona (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ximena Lemoine. Ashley D'Elia. Ralph Burrillo. David Schroeder.

Reclamation and SRP are planning ground disturbing geotechnical investigations in support of a feasibility study and engineering design of modifications to Bartlett Dam (Undertaking). A Class III cultural resource inventory (Project) was requested by SRP to assist Reclamation and TNF in the identification of cultural resources for avoidance during geotechnical investigations and in compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA prior to commencement of these investigations.

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project 230-kV and 500-kV Transmission Line Rights-of-Way from Silver King to the Western Forest Boundary, Tonto National Forest, Mesa and Globe Districts, and Private Lands near Superior, Pinal County, Arizona (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Branden R. Fjerstad. Paul Rawson. Jerome Hesse. Christopher Papalas. Eric Petersen. Caitlin Hayden.

SRP contracted SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) to conduct a Class III cultural resources survey along a 15.1-mile-long stretch of the Goldfield-Silver King 230-kilovolt (kV) and Browning to Silver King 500-kV electrical transmission line right-of-way (ROW) in Pinal County, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to identify cultural resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) so that SRP can take the necessary measures to avoid or...

Class III Section 110 Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation-Withdrawn Lands along the Verde River South of Bartlett Dam, Tonto National Forest, Maricopa County, Arizona (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Heather Miljour. Rein Vanderpot. Robert Wegener. Samuel Fisher.

The project consists of a records search and intensive pedestrian cultural resource inventory conducted on Reclamation-withdrawn lands along both sides of the Verde River south of Bartlett Dam. The project area consists of two irregularly shaped footprints to the west and south of Bartlett Reservoir and along the lower Verde River. Statistical Research surveyed 586 acres of land in 2022 and 2023. Forty-nine archaeological sites were recorded and 77 isolated occurrences. Twenty-nine...

Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World
PROJECT Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples

Appendices, raw data, and analytical documents associated with: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Corrugated Ceramic Technological Data from the Greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Ceramic technological codes and measurements associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities books [Chapter 5]. See Coding guides for additional details. File ceramic.csv contains the data formatted for analysis in R using the code in the associated document: "R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis, Chapter 5" These data pertain to Chapter 5 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World....

Corrugated Ceramic Technology Coding Guide (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew Peeples.

Ceramic Technology Coding Guide associated with Corrugated Ceramic Technology Data from Greater Cibola Region dataset in same "Connected Communities" tDAR project.