A Forgotten Facet of Fedick: Scott's Contributions to Maya Lithics Research

Author(s): Nicholas Hearth

Year: 2015


Scott's body of multidisciplinary and collaborative research resists categorization to a single rubric, even in ones as broad as historical ecology or cultural geography. However, many archaeologists I've met who haven't worked directly with him only understand his long-term research projects within these two paradigms. Few remember or realize that Scott began his graduate school career examining the lithic economy of the Tikal-Yaxha survey transect and that he has continued to facilitate and involve himself lithics-related projects as a professor. A brief review of his work, and the work that he facilitated and collaborated with his students reveals a substantial body of literature which reveal the roles of stone tools in social complexity, economy, food-ways and agriculture in the ancient Maya world. It illustrates his long-term interest in lithic studies as a vehicle to get to the "nuts and bolts", so to speak, of ancient Maya society, well as an alternative area of research to his more widely-read research of ecological-based approaches in Maya studies.

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A Forgotten Facet of Fedick: Scott's Contributions to Maya Lithics Research. Nicholas Hearth. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 396230)


Lithic Maya

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min long: -107.271; min lat: 12.383 ; max long: -86.353; max lat: 23.08 ;