David Wilcox
No description specified.
301-350 (1,199 Records)
- Archaeological Survey of Pendragon Energy Partners, Inc.'s Proposed Grayburg Jackson Unit No. 8-3 Pipeline, Located In Section 23, T17S, R30E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pendragon Energy Partners, Inc.'s Proposed Grayburg-Jackson Unit Well No. 103 (100'FNL, 100'FWL), Grayburg-Jackson Unit Well No. 104 (1300'FNL, 1300'FWL), Grayburg-Jackson Unit Well No. 105 (1564'FNL, 2283'FWL) (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pendragon Energy Partners, Inc.'s Proposed Grayburg-Jackson Unit Well No. 124 (2420'FNL, 1100'FWL) and Associated Access Road, Electric Line and Pipeline, Sections 26 and 27, T 17S, R 30E, (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pendragon Energy Partners, Inc.'s Proposed Grayburg-Jackson Unit Well No. 76 (50' FNL, 2600' FWL) and Associated Access Road (150' x 824.2'), Electric Line (150' x 700.9') and Pipeline (150' x 700'), (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pendragon Energy Partners, Inc.'s Proposed Greyburg Jackson Unit No. 11-4 Pipeline, Located In Section 27, T17S, R30E, (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pendragon Partners, Inc.'s Proposed Grayburg Jackson Unit (50' FWL; 1242' FSL), Located In Sections 25 and 26, T17S, R30E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy Inc.'s Proposed Ore Ida "14" Federal Well No. 2 (1980' FNL; 330' FWL) and Access Road (150' x 770') Located In Sections 14 and 15, T24S, R29E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy Inc.'s Proposed Ore Ida "14" Federal Well No. 4 (660' FNL; 1650' FWL) and Access Road, Located In Section 14, T24S, R29E, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy Inc.'s Proposed Ore Ida 14" Federal Well # 3, (1980' FNL; 1650' FWL), and Access Road, In Section 14, T24S, R29E, NMPM, Eddy County, NM (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy, Inc.'s Proposed Bilbrey North "22" Federal Well No. 1 (1980' FSL; 660' FWL), and Access Road, Located In Section 22, T21S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy, Inc.'s Proposed Diamond Tail "24" Federal Well No. 1 (1980' FSL; 660' FWL) and Access Road, Located In Sections 23 and 24, T23S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy, Inc.'s Proposed JD "33" Federal Well No. 1 (660' FNL; 2080' FEL) and Access Road, Located In Section 33, T21S, R33E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy, Inc.'s Proposed Ore Ida "14" Federal Well No. 1 (660'FNL; 480'FWL) In Section 14, T24S, R29E, NMPM, Eddy County, NM (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Penwell Energy, Inc.'s Proposed Rifleman Federal No. 1 (1650' FNL; 1980' FEL) In Section 7, T22S, R26E, NMPM, Eddy County, NM (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pinnacle Natural Gas Company's Proposed Pipeline Connecting Santa Fe / Foal "20" Federal No. 1 Crossing Federal (BLM) Land (3121.4' x 150'), Section 20, T22S, R28E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pinnacle Natural Gas Company's Proposed Pipeline Connecting the Santa Fe H. B. State Well No. 1 To the Santa Fe H. B. "11" Federal Well No. 1 Located In Section 2 and 11, T24S, R29E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pinnacle Natural Gas Company's Proposed Pipeline To Connect Texaco Levers Federal Well No. 1 and Texaco Levers Federal Well No. 2, Located In Section 12, T21S, R25E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Access Road To Connect the Lost Tank "33" Federal Well No. 2 To Lost Tank "4" Well 1 (1551' x 150') Sections 33 and 4, T21S, R31E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Axe "25" Federal Well No. 1 (2310' FSL; 760' FEL) and Access Road (150' X 560'), Located In Section 25, T21S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Covington "A" Federal Well No. 14 (1650' FNL, 1650' FEL) and Access Road (Approximately 150' x 1350') In Section 28, T22S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Covington "A" Federal Well No. 26 (2600' FNL; 700' FEL) and Access Road (150' X 1000') Located In Section 35, T22S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Covington "A" Federal Well No. 3 (2310' FNL, 990' FWL) and Associated Access Road, Section 25, T22S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Covington "A" Federal Well No. 7 (1980' FSL, 990' FWL) and Associated Access Roads, Section 25, T22S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Lost Tank "33" Federal Well No. 2 (330' FSL, 510' FWL) and Access Road To Approved Lease Road (3475' x 150'); and a Connecting Road Segment That Will Connect the (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Lost Tank "33" Federal Well No. 2 (660' FNL, 510' FWL) and Associated Access Road (6883' x 150'), Section 33, T21S, R31E, and Section 4, T22S, R31E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Lost Tank "33" Federal Well No. 5 (1980' FSL, 1980' FEL) and Access Road To Approved Lease Road (600' x 150'), Located In Section 33, T21S, R31E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Lost Tank "33" Federal Well No.4 (660' FSL, 330' FEL) and Access Road To Approved Lease Road (2250' x 150'), Located In Section 33, T21S, R31E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Pogo Producing Company's Proposed Sundance "1" Federal Well No. 2 (330' FNL & 990' FWL), Section 1, T24S, R31E and Section 36, T23S, R31E, NMPM, Eddy County, NM (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Primal Energy Corportion's Proposed Sholes Fedeal A-19 Well No. 2 and Access Road, Section 19, T25S, R37E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Project 818 / BTA Connect / 6" Buried Natural Gas Pipeline, Section 3, T23S, R34E, and Section 34, T22S, R34E, NMPM, Lea County, NM (1995)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Lease Road In Section 34, T23S, R31E and Section 3, T24S, R31E, NMPM, Eddy County, NM (1994)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Lease Road In Section 34, T23S, R31E, NMPM, Eddy County, NM (1994)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Pipeline Connecting the Enron Oil and Gas Company's Ranger "7" Fed. Com. #1 To the Enron Oil and Gas Company's Cedar Lake "35" FED. Com. #2 In Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, T18S, R30E and Sections 34, 35, T17S, (1995)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources Inc.'s Proposed Rock Waterhole Canyon "16" State Well No. 1 (1240' FNL; 660' FWL), Access Road and Existing Two-Track Road To Be Upgraded (200' x Approx. 5843.6'), (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources Inc.'s Proposed Tomcat "8" Federal Well No. 1 (660' FSL; 467' FWL), Access Road and Tomcat "18" Federal No. 1 Power Line Sections 7, 8, & 18 T23S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s H.F. "7" Federal Com. No. 1 Power Line, Section 7. T23S, R29E, and Sections 12 and 13, T23S, R28E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Electric Line (3993.5' x 150'), Sections 17 and 16, T22S, R24E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Foal "20" Federal Well No. 1 (660' FNL; 1980' FWL) and Access Road, Located In Sections 19 and 20, T22S, R28E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Gaucho Unit Well No. 2 (1650' FSL, 1650' FWL) and Associated Access Road, Section 29, T22S, R34E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed H.F. "12" Federal Well No. 2 (1980' FEL; 2030' FNL), Located In Section 12, T23S, R28E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed H.F. "12" Federal Well No. 3 (1980' FSL; 990' FEL) and Access Road, Located In Section 12, T23S, R28E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed H.F. "12" Federal Well No. 4 (1815' FSL; 1980' FEL), Located In Section 12, T23S, R28E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Indian Basin "F" Well No. 2 (1115' FSL; 2055' FEL) and Access Road, Located In Sections 25 and 36, T21S, R23E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Roaring Springs "13" Federal Well No. 4 (660' FNL, 1980' FWL) and Associated Access Road, Section 13, T21S, R23E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Salt Water Disposal Flowline Connecting the Texaco Unit "E" SDE "31" Federal Well No. 4 and the Santa Fe Energy Tresnor Mitchell "30" Federal Well No. 1, In Sections (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Shamrock "29" Federal Com. No. 1 (1330'FNL; 1330'FEL) and Access Road, Sections 5 and 4, T23S, R34E and Sections 32,33,28 and 29, T22S, R34E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1995)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Shamrock "29" Federal Com. No. 1 (1650' FNL; 1650' FEL), and Access Road, Located In Sections 29, 32, and 33, T22S, R34E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Thistle Unit No. 2 (1980' FNL; 660' FWL) and Access Road, Located In Sections 20, 28, and 29, T23S, R33E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Tomcat "18" Federal Well No. 1 (660' FNL; 990' FEL) and Access Road, Located In Section 18, T23S, R32E, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico (1996)
- Archaeological Survey of Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc.'s Proposed Tomcat "20" Federal Well No. 1 (1980' FNL; 660' FEL), Tomcat Federal Unit Well No. 1 (1980' FNL; 1880' FWL) and Access Roads, (1996)