Society for Historical Archaeology
This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for Historical Archaeology annual meetings. SHA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2013 to the present.
Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.
Formed in 1967, the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) is the largest scholarly group concerned with the archaeology of the modern world (A.D. 1400-present). The main focus of the society is the era since the beginning of European exploration. SHA promotes scholarly research and the dissemination of knowledge concerning historical archaeology. The society is specifically concerned with the identification, excavation, interpretation, and conservation of sites and materials on land and underwater. Geographically the society emphasizes the New World, but also includes European exploration and settlement in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Ethical principles of the society are set forth in Article VII of SHA’s Bylaws and specified in a statement adopted on June 21 2003.
Site Name Keywords
20EM52 •
Michilimackinac •
41HR614 •
38GN3 •
Hüti glassworks •
Old sector of San Victorino in Bogota •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Water-Related •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Archaeological Feature •
Shipping-Related Structure •
Shipwreck •
Fort •
Settlements •
Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Other Keywords
Landscape •
Shipwreck •
Slavery •
Colonialism •
Public Archaeology •
Ceramics •
Identity •
Material Culture •
Plantation •
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Euroamerican •
African American •
Spanish •
French-Canadian •
18th century artillery •
Investigation Types
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Heritage Management •
Remote Sensing •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Site Evaluation / Testing
Material Types
Metal •
Ceramic •
Glass •
Fauna •
Wood •
Building Materials •
Human Remains •
Mineral •
Bone •
Temporal Keywords
19th Century •
18th Century •
20th Century •
17th Century •
Nineteenth Century •
Historic •
Colonial •
Early 19th Century •
Contemporary •
19th and 20th centuries
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
Michigan (State / Territory) •
Massachusetts (State / Territory) •
New York (State / Territory) •
New Hampshire (State / Territory) •
Idaho (State / Territory) •
Maine (State / Territory) •
Wisconsin (State / Territory) •
Washington (State / Territory) •
Minnesota (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 6,988)
- Documents (6,988)
- 1,000 Bottles of Wine in the Ground, 1,000 Bottles of Wine: The Preservation of early 20th century Italian Heritage at the John Bradford House (2013)
- 10-Years of Sustainable Partnership at a Glance: Youth Diving with a Purpose and the National Park Service (2022)
- 10-Years of Sustainable Partnership at a Glance: Youth Diving with a Purpose and the National Park Service (2023)
- 1000 sherds: Portuguese Ceramics at Jamestown (2023)
- 12,240 Square Feet; The 1740 Fire and Disaster at the Household Scale in Colonial Charleston (2021)
- 120 Miles of Track in 2 Months: Where Did They Get All That Timber? (2021)
- A 15th to 19th century housing district in the center of Elbeuf (2014)
- 1607 to 1619: An Examination of Change over Time at James Fort (2018)
- A 1611 Blockhouse and Earthworks for the Protection of Cattle: Virginia’s Earliest Bovine Husbandry, near Jamestown (2017)
- The 1622 Tierra Firme Fleet In Dry Tortugas National Park (2023)
- A 16th-Century Public Dump in Rouen (2014)
- A 16th-Century Spanish-Basque Batel (Ship's Longboat) Excavated at Red Bay, Labrador, Canada. (2023)
- The 1725 Nuestra Señora de Begoña: Ongoing Investigations of a Spanish Merchant Fragata and Cultural Conservation Strategies in La Caleta de Caucedo, Dominican Republic (2013)
- 175 Water Street to Washington Square Park: is flexibility the key to urban archaeology? (2014)
- The 1799 Siege of Acre: A Re-evaluation of the Historical and Archaeological Record (2014)
- The 1812 period Naval Hospital at Point Frederick, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario (2014)
- The 1839 Parker Academy: On the Frontier of Transformative Resistance and Social Justice (2017)
- The 18th Century Shipbuilding French Industry : New Perspective on Conception and Construction (2016)
- 18th Century Stoneware From New Jersey (2016)
- 18th-Century San Antonio Spanish Colonial Mission Complexes: An Evolution, American Revolution, and Tejano Ranchos1 (2017)
- The 1977 Excavations of French Fort St. Pierre (1719-1729): Adaptation on the Louisiane Frontier (2013)
- 19th and 20th Centuries Heritage and Archaeology of District Tor Ghar, Hazara Division, Pakistan (2023)
- 19th Century Chinese Railroad Worker Habitation Structures on the Central Pacific Railroad (2020)
- 19th Century Clay Pipes from Jacksonport State Park, Arkansas (2018)
- 19th Century Entertainments From A Small Plantation In Alexandria, Virginia: Archaeology At Shuter’s Hill (44AX175) (2018)
- 19th century industry in the American South: Scull Shoals Mill Village (2013)
- A 19th Century Military Landscape in Southern Maryland (2016)
- 19th Century Reform and Control at the Industrial School for Girls in Dorchester, Massachusetts (2018)
- 19th Century Workhorses: The Examination of a Centerboard Schooner off Dog Island, Florida. (2016)
- 19th-Century Innovation at a 21st-Century Industrial Park: Archaeological Investigations at the Valentine and Company Iron Ore Washing Plant, Centre County, Pennsylvania (2016)
- 19th-Century Rice Agriculture and the Bronson Strip Site, St. Catherines Island, Georgia, USA (2023)
- 2 Cool 4 School: An Alaskan Archaeology HipHop Tale (2015)
- The 2012 Field Season of the 1630-31 New Spain Fleet Archaeological Project in the Gulf of Mexico (2016)
- The 2018 Discovery of "Lady Lex", the First American Aircraft Carrier Casualty (2019)
- The 2022 Fort Mose Research Program: A Progress Report (2023)
- 21st Century Commemoration and the Landscapes of an Absent Past: Remembering with Places in Santa Rosa, CA (2018)
- 21st Century Methods for a 19th Century World: GIS, Geophysical Survey, and Geoarchaeology in Washington, D.C. (2016)
- 21st Century Shipwreck Management Considerations on Lake Champlain (2016)
- 21st-century Collaboration for Studying a 20th-century Working Community (2016)
- 3-D Photo Modeling Applications in Underwater Archeology (2015)
- 30 Years Later: Revisiting the 1733 San Pedro Underwater Archaeological Preserve and San Felipe Shipwreck Sites in the Florida Keys (2019)
- 300 Years: Archival and Archaeological Investigations at the Mission San Antonio de Valero (The Alamo) Probable First Site (2017)
- 37 Pounds of Beads!: Reconstructing Provenience and Looking for Change and Continuity in an Orphaned Collection (2017)
- The 3D Annotated Scans Method Revisited: Recent Experiences With The Mass Documentation Of Wet-stored Timbers In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. (2023)
- 3D Digitization of Archaeological Artifatcts in Conservation (2016)
- The 3D Digitization of the World Trade Center Wreck (2017)
- 3D in the Toolbox: An Operational Comparison of Acoustic, Photogrammetric, and Laser Scanning Methodologies Tested at Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in 2016. (2017)
- 3D Laser Scanning for the digital reconstruction and analysis of a 16th Century clinker built sailing vessel (2013)
- 3D Learning at Kingsley Plantation and the St. Augustine Lighthouse: Incorporating 3D Technology Into FPAN Public Archaeology Outreach (2018)
- 3D Modelling and Interactive Mapping of Historic Shipwreck Sites (2013)
- 3D Models of Artifacts from the Lone Rock Stockade (2023)
- 3D Printing an Archaeological Site Map: Photogrammetric Recording and Printing of the Pillar Dollar Wreck (2017)
- 3D Printing for Maritime Cultural Heritage: A Design for All Approach (2019)
- 3D Printing for Submerged Heritage: A Comparative Study in Structured Light and Photogrammetry (2017)
- 3D Recordation and Visualization of Ft Casimir, New Castle, DE (2022)
- 3D Scanning Sonar: A discussion of its applications and limitations based on recent tests by the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (2014)
- 3D to 2D to 3D ‘ The Reconstruction of the H.L Hunley’s Forward Crew Compartment (2014)
- 3D Virtual Landscape Analysis at Fort Ethan Allen, VA (2014)
- 3D Virtual Landscape Analysis of 18th-century Settlement in the Swedes Tract, PA (2014)
- The 46 Petitioners: Social Justice in the Age of Nat Turner in the City of Alexandria, Virginia (2021)
- The 4x Model Game and the Archaeology of Movement, Migration and Settler Colonialism (2023)
- 500 Years of Experience at a Ten-Year Old Museum: Positives And Pitfalls of Avocational Cooperation (2014)
- The 7,000 Foot Wreck – An Archaeological Investigation of a Historic Shipwreck Discovered in the Gulf of Mexico (2013)
- "The 90 Mile Manifest" An Archaeological Analysis of Material Culture Onboard Cuban Refugee Vessels. (2023)
- 97 Acres, Deep Cisterns and a Pit Filled with Over 2,000 Beer Bottles: Challenges in Urban Archaeology Through the Investigation of the NGA West Site (23SL2393) (2018)
- The A7 Project - An investigation of HM Submarine A7 (2015)
- ‘”[A] sweet life after a most fatiguing campaign”’: The Evolution and Archaeology of Military Encampments of the Revolutionary War (2014)
- Abalone Shell, Broken Pots, Hearths, Windbreaks and Archival Research: Clues to Identifying 19th Century California Abalone Colection and Processing Sites on the Channel Islands (2013)
- Abandoned Rural Settlements and Landscape Transformations in the Early Modern and Modern Period: Innovative Methodological Approaches of Historical Archaeology within a Central European Context (2017)
- Abandoned, But Not Forgotten: The Systemic And Archaeological Context Of Hildegarde. (2024)
- The Abbey of Pedro Mártir de Anglería – Excavation, Reconstruction and Conservation of an Early 16th Century Ecclesiastical Structure in Jamaica (2016)
- Abolition And Politics Of Repression Of The Slave Trade In Senegambia (2023)
- Abolition and the Rise of the Aku: Creating Ethnicity through Colonial Policy on the Gambia River (2018)
- Abolition Geography and the Archaeology of Urban American Slavery (2021)
- Above and Below Ground: Teaching Combined Methodologies for a Holistic Understanding of the Built Environment (2018)
- Above and Beyond the Lowstand: Three Lithic Artifacts Recovered from the Gulf of Maine (2014)
- Above-ground Archaeology Of Industrial And Post-Industrial Detroit (2016)
- The Abraham Preble Garrison Phase III Data Recovery (2023)
- An "Abri" for French Migratory Fishermen? The Evolution of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon’s Salt-Cod Fisheries, 1670-1970. (2020)
- Abundance/Absence: Reframing Agency in African Diaspora Archaeology (2021)
- Academia in Underwater Archaeology (2014)
- Acadian Adaptations in North and South America (2015)
- Access Maps Revisited: Understanding The Spatial Arrangement of Nineteenth-Century Soup Kitchens (2024)
- Access to First Choice Foods and Settlement Failure at French Azilum (2014)
- Accessible Archaeology for Youth (2021)
- Accessiblity and Crisis: Building a More Inclusive Archaeology Through Existing Collections (2021)
- Accommodating personalities: the role of purpose-built mill workers’ housing in communal identity (2014)
- The Accotink Quarter (2014)
- An Account of Ancient Stone Anchors in the Northern Shoreline of the Persian Gulf (2019)
- The Acculturation of Opiates: Changing Cultural Attitudes Towards The Use Of Opium And Its Derivatives In the Mid-19th- Early 20th Century American West (2023)
- Accuracy of Underwater Photogrammetric Methods: The Case Study of the Invincible Wreck Site (2017)
- Acequias, Battlefields, And Missions, Oh My!: The Complexity Of Doing Urban Archaeology In San Antonio, Texas (2022)
- The Acquisition of Copper Alloy by Native Americans in late 16th- and early 17th-Century Virginia (2023)
- Action, Compromise, and Transformation: Mortuary Genealogies and Social Change in the Virgin Islands and Barbados (2014)
- Activist Archaeology and Participatory Action Research (PAR): Praxis in Action (2024)
- Adapting and Improvising: Materiality and the Politicization of Historic Structures (2021)
- Adapting to Colonial Reality with Long-term History: The Evolution of 17th Century Indigenous Households along the Rappahannock River, Virginia (2020)
- An Adaptive Legacy: Repurposing Lighthouses from Navigational Aids to Heritage Tourism Destinations in North Carolina (2016)
- Adding and Subtracting: Manipulating Ceramic Manufacture to Signal Cultural Identity Among Indigenous Populations of the San Antonio Missions (2017)
- Adding Lasers to the Archaeological Toolkit: The Costs and Benefits of Terrestrial LiDAR in Digital Archaeology (2015)