Building Materials (Material Keyword)
Materials used for construction (e.g., brick, wood, adobe)
1-25 (5,548 Records)
1. Archaeological Excavations at Scull Shoals Mounds (9GE4), 1983 and 1985. By Mark Williams, 1992 (8.3 MB).
12-Al-923-20, Celt, Preform Groundstone (2022)
Celt, Preform Groundstone, Catalog #: 12-Al-923-20 Recovered as part of Report of Investigations 22, The Archaeological Resources of the Maumee River Valley, Allen County, Indiana, James Mohow
12-Dl-187-5, Unclassified Late Archaic point (2022)
Unclassified Late Archaic point, Catalog#: 12-Dl-187-5 Recovered as part of Report of Investigations 12, The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage with Emphasis on the Woodland Period, P. Ranel Stephenson, with sections by Donald Cochran, Lorna Gentry Laymon, and Diana Conover
12-Dl-49-6 (164-84), Point (2023)
Point, Catalog #: 12-Dl-49-6 (164-84) Recovered as part of Archaeological Report 3, Title and Author unavailable
12-Mi-37-46, Point Fragments (2022)
Point Fragments, Catalog #: 12-Mi-37-46 Recovered as part of Report of Investigations 13, An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Wabash River Valley, Donald Cochran and Edmond Anuszczyk
1539 – Artifacts and Archaeology from Conquistador Hernando De Soto’s Potano Encampment (2015)
Published by Academic Press Journal - Division of UK Scholarly Open Access The site identified in the Florida Master Site File as MR03538 was the location of one of Hernando de Soto’s early camps during the 1539 entrada and was in later use during the seventeenth century Spanish mission and ranching periods. This previously unknown First Spanish Cultural Period site is located between Ocala and Gainesville, Florida on the wetlands associated with Orange Lake. The European artifact...
1850 New Philadelphia Federal Census (2006)
1850 New Philadelphia Federal Census
1855 New Philadelphia State Census (2006)
1855 New Philadelphia State Census
1860 New Philadelphia Federal Census (2006)
1860 New Philadelphia Federal Census
1864 Charles Poston, Description of Casa Grande (1963)
This document is letter from Regional Archaeologist Albert Schroeder to the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Superintendent. This 1864 letter portion is in regard to a communication from Charles Poston, who was the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Arizona at the time. The letter was sent to Wm. P. Dole who was then the Commissoner of Indian Affairs. It is a general review of the condition of the Great House and a request for funds for excavation.
1865 New Philadelphia State Census (2006)
1865 New Philadelphia State Census
1870 New Philadelphia Federal Census (2006)
1870 New Philadelphia Federal Census
1880 New Philadelphia Federal Census (2006)
1880 New Philadelphia Federal Census
1892-1992 Centennial, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
This project contains documents relative to the 1892-1992 centennial of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument including a book and related documents and images from an administratve history of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument prepared by A. Berle Clemensen. Additional Documents include the scanned figures and images used in the publication. These documents were prepared for the National Park Service.
1900 Map of Location of Fort St. Joseph (1900)
Local-scale rendition of the location of Fort St. Joseph, creator unknown, believed to have been drawn around 1900.
1926-1930 Pageant at Compound B, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
This project includes images, documents and maps regarding yearly pageants held at Compound B at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument between 1926 through 1930.
1932 Ruins Shelter specifications (1981)
This document is a detailed sketch and description of the shelter built over the Great House at the Casa Grande National Monument. The sketch and description detail the dimensions of the shelter along with materials used and the engineering firm, Allen Bros. Inc., Los Angeles, CA, that installed the shelter. The document also discusses difficulties encountered and the danger of damage to the Great House during construction.
1936 March, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Southwest Monuments Report, "Throne Room in Clan House.". (1936)
This report discusses what was thought to be a "Throne" in a clan house at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument.
1948 Stabilization photos of Compound A (1948)
These images display the 1948 stabilization efforts on outer walls and buildings of Compound A at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Included are photographs of pre-stabilization, during stabilization and post stabilization. The photographs indicate the poor condition of structures prior to stabilization. The photographs also show the use and application of chicken wire to the structures.
1957 Gladwin, Harold Sterling, A History of the Ancient Southwest (1957)
This book regards the histories of the Southwest and its peoples from approximately 200 A.D. to 1450 A.D.
1957-1958 Development Master Plan
These images are various division master plans for the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Included are topographic maps in reference to headquarter, interpretation, road and trail systems, archaeological base map, general utilities and general development. The information reflects a very comprehensive future endeavor to revamp the monument.
1957-1958 Development Master Plan images and documents (1958)
These images are various division master plans for the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Included are topographic maps in reference to headquarter, interpretation, road and trail systems, archaeological base map, general utilities and general development. The information reflects a very comprehensive future endeavor to revamp the monument.
The 1959-1960 Transwestern Pipeline: Window Rock to Flagstaff (1964)
During the winter of 1959-1960, Transwestern Pipeline Inc. and Gulf Interstate Co. constructed a 30 inch transmission pipeline form Texas to the California border. The Museum of Northern Arizona, in agreement with the National Park Service, provided the personnel for archaeological salvage on a portion of the line across northern Arizona. The project was under the overall direction of Charles R. Steen and Zorro A. Bradley of the Southwestern Region Headquarters of the National Park Service in...
1971 Saratoga Grant Records (1971)
Records relating to field work conducted in 1972.
1971 Summer Archaeological Investigation, Halifax, North Carolina (1971)
The North Carolina Department of Archives and History research and development plans for Historic Halifax involved archaeological survey of newly acquired Historic Halifax lands in 1971.The Department carried out archeological investigations in the summer of 1971, in Historic Halifax on property formerly owned by Mr. F. H. Gregory, located south of the Andrew Jackson Elementary School and east of Joe Jone's lot. A recent find of the Plan of the Town of Halifx, by Mrs. Margaret Hofmann, indicated...