Euroamerican (Culture Keyword)
Parent: Historic
1-25 (5,088 Records)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
12T335 2012 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T352 2016 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 - 2009 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 - 2016 res - N1000, E800 block (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 2012 mag (west side) (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 2012 mag - east side (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 2013 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 2016 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 2016 res - East res block (N940, E920) (north to right).tif (2017)
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12T9 2016 res - N of Fort N1020 E740 (north to right).tif (2017)
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1900 Map of Location of Fort St. Joseph (1900)
Local-scale rendition of the location of Fort St. Joseph, creator unknown, believed to have been drawn around 1900.
1971 Saratoga Grant Records (1971)
Records relating to field work conducted in 1972.
1972 Saratoga Battlefield Report (1972)
Report to the National Park Service on the results of 1972 investigations
1972 Saratoga Field Photographs (1972)
This is a PDF file containing photographs taken during the 1972 field season. Image numbers are keyed to entries in the catalog.
1972 Saratoga Grant Records (1972)
Grant administration records for 1972
1973 Saratoga Battlefield contract records (1973)
These document the grants and contracts having to do with the 1973 field season at the Saratoga Battlefield.
1973 Saratoga Field Photographs (1973)
This is a PDF file that contains copies of field photographs taken during the 1973 field season.
1973-74 Saratoga Battlefield Report (1974)
This is a report on excavations carried out on the battlefield in 1973, with analysis and writing extending into 1974
1974 Field Catalog (1974)
This is the rough field catalog kept during the 1974 field season at the Saratoga Battlefield
1974 Grant and Contract Records (1974)
These constitute the administrative records of the 1974 field season.
1974 Juno Data (1974)
These pages constitute the surviving records relating to a metal detector survey conducted by George Juno on the Saratoga Battlefield in 1974. Modern GPS technology was not available when this survey was conducted.
1974 Parsons Field Report (1974)
Field report written by Eric Parsons for the 1974 field season.
1974 Saratoga Field Photographs (1974)
This is a PDF file containing copies of pictures taken during the course of the 1974 field season.
1974-75 Saratoga Battlefield Report (1975)
This is a report on archaeological research carried on during the 1974 field season on the Saratoga Battlefield