No description specified.
1-11 (11 Records)
- Phase I Archeological Site Identification Studies for the Proposed Vermotn Gas Systems, Inc. Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Project (2001)
- Phase IB Archaeological Site Identification Study of the Proposed Sand Bar Cable Project from Milton to South Hero, VT. (1997)
- Proposed System Expansion Beebe Road to Kellogg Road (1998)
- Proposed upgrade to the Georgia and Sandbar Substations (2000)
- The Public Service Board / El Paso Water Utilities Land Exchange in Northwest El Paso Archaeological Survey (2002)
- VELCO Champlain Sub-Station, Williston (1990)
- VELCO Champlain-Highgate Transmission Line Located in the towns of Williston, Essex, Colchester, Milton, Georgia, St. Albans, Swanton, and Highgate. (1990)
- VELCO Transmission Line Replacement Along the Sandbar on Lake Champlain , Phase IA Archeological Sensitivity Study (1994)
- VELCO Transmission Line Replacement Along the Sandbar on Lake Champlain Phase IA Archaeological Sensitivity Study. (1994)
- Vermont Gas System's Proposed Pipeline, Winooski Intervale. Preliminary Archaeological Review (1989)
- YISD / PSB Land Exchange Archaeological Project, El Paso County, Texas (2000)