Arizona State University (ASU)
Alternate Names: Arizona State Univerisity , Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ , Arizona State university , Arizona State University ASB 335 , Arizona State University, Tempe, USA , arizona state university , Arizona State Universit y , Arizona State University [Retired] , Arizona State University , Arizona State Universtity , Arizona State University. , ASU , Arizona State University , Arizona State University, AZ , Arizona State Univesity , Arizona State University , Arizona State University ASB335 , Arizona State University, Tempe , Arizona State Univ , Arizona State Univ. , Arizona State University , asu , arizona state university
Institution Members
1-50 (3,318 Records)
- The 1837 Ioway Indian Map Project: Using Geographic Information Systems to Integrate History, Archaeology and Landscape (2003)
- 1997 Cottonwood Wash Survey (1998)
- 2007 Archaeological Survey: Perry Mesa, Yavapai County, Arizona (2007)
- 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 101 Summary (2007)
- 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 102 Summary (2007)
- 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 201 Summary (2007)
- 3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 301 Summary (2007)
- AAPL, Chapter 21, Analysis of Shell Materials from the AAPL (2017)
- Additional Figures and Maps for Connected Communities (2018)
- Agave Typologies of Richinbar, Pueblo la Plata, and Pueblo Pato Archaeological Sites of Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
- Agricultural Impacts on Soil Compaction and Sediment Size (2005)
- The Agricultural Landscape of Perry Mesa: Modeling Residential Site Location in Relation to Arable Land (2007)
- Agriculture, Mobility, and Human Impact in the Mimbres Region of the United States Southwest (2006)
- Agua Fria National Monument Bibliography (2012)
- Alliance and Landscape - Perry Mesa, Arizona in the Fourteenth Century: Surface Ceramic Collections for BLM Lands in the Agua Fria National Monument (2010)
- Alliance and Landscape: Perry Mesa, Arizona in the Fourteenth Century: Surface Ceramic Collections for USFS Lands in the Cave Creek and Payson Ranger Districts of the Tonto National Forest (2010)
- Analysis of Ceramic Design: a New Method for Chronological Seriation (1978)
- An Analysis of the Fitch Site and its Relationship to the Hohokam Classic Period (1963)
- Analytical Approach To Cultural Resource Management: the Little Colorado Planning Unit (1978)
- The Ancient Agroecology of Perry Mesa: Integrating Runoff, Nutrients, and Climate (2013)
- Anderson (LA37690) - Site Map (2012)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 1 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 101 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 102 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 103 and 109 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 105 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 2 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 201 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 202 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 21 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 22 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 23 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 3 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 41 (1983)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 902 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 904 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 951 (1982)
- Anderson - LA37690 Unit 952 (1982)
- Anderson LA37690 - Analysis Tables (2013)
- Appendix A: Modern Vegetation in Copper Basin: a Phytosociological Study (1977)
- Appendix B: the Relationship of Plant Ecology and Plant Remains To Prehistoric Subsistence in Copper Basin (1977)
- Appendix C: Analysis of Pollen Samples from Copper Basin (1977)
- Appendix C: Cave Buttes Alternative Dam Mitigation, Arizona, a Palynological Perspective (1979)
- Appendix D: the Cave Buttes Flotation Analysis: a Record of Non-Cultural Noise in the Prehistoric Context (1979)
- Appendix D: the Prehistoric Agricultural Potential of Copper Basin (1977)
- Appendix E: Analysis of Faunal Remains and Animal Exploitation in Copper Basin (1977)
- Appendix F: Human Skeletal Remains from Copper Basin, Arizona (1977)
- Appendix G: the Ceramics of Copper Basin (1977)
- Archaeological Clearance Survey of a Borrow Area Associated With the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (Final Report) (1976)
- An Archaeological Curation-Needs Assessment of Military Installations in Selected Western States, Volume 1 (2000)