Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
No description specified.
Alternate Names: Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Co , Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorad , Crow Canyon Archaeology Center , crow canyon archaeological center
Institution Members
1-50 (199 Records)
- 1990 Sand Canyon Project Site Testing Program: Preliminary Report On the Excavations At Saddlehorn (5Mt262); Mad Dog Tower (5Mt181); Castle Rock Pueblo (5Mt1825); Lester's Site (5Mt10246); Lookout House (5Mt10459); and Cougar Cub Alcove (5M (1991)
- 1990 Sand Canyon Project Testing Program: Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Cougar Cub Alcove (5MT1690) (1991)
- 1993 Excavations At Castle Rock Pueblo (Letter Report) (1993)
- 1995 Excavations At Woods Canyon Pueblo (5Mt11842) (1996)
- The 1996 Excavations at Yellow Jacket Pueblo (5MT5) Montezuma County, Colorado (1997)
- 1996 Excavations At Yellow Jacket Pueblo (5Mt5) Montezuma County, Colorado (1997)
- The 1998 Field Season at Shields Pubelo (5MT3807), Montezuma County, Colorado (1998)
- Abandonment Processes At the Duckfoot Site (1990)
- Accumulation Research: Using Cooking Pot Sherd Accumulation To Estimate the Length of Site Occupation (1996)
- Accumulations Research: Problems and Prospects for Estimating Site Occupation Span (Journal of Archaeologicval Method and Theory Vol. 4 No. 2 141-191) (1997)
- Ancestral Pueblo Violence in the Northern Southwest Paper Presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis) (1995)
- Annual / Preliminary Report of Excavations - Wallace Ruin (5MT. 6970), 1993 Field Season (1993)
- Annual / Preliminary Report of Excavations - Wallace Ruin (5MT.6970), 1993 Field Season (1993)
- An Archaeological Survey of Lower East Rock and Sand Canyons Montezuma County, Colorado (Sj90024) (1992)
- The Archaeology of Castle Rock Pueblo
- The Basketmaker Communities Project (2020)
- Castle Rock Pueblo (Site 5MT1825) Site Preservation Plan (1999)
- The Changing Face of the Community in the Mesa Verde Region AD 1000-1300 (1991)
- Changing Face of the Community In the Mesa Verde Region Ad 1000-1300 (1991)
- Changing Patterns of Violence in the Mesa Verde Region (Paper Presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago) (1999)
- Cortez Middle School Outreach Program (1996)
- Crow Canyon - 1983 Preliminary Report (1984)
- Crow Canyon - 1984 Archaeological Investigations (1985)
- Crow Canyon - 1987 Archaeological Investigations At the Duckfoot Site 5Mt3868 (1988)
- Crow Canyon - 1988 Small Site Testing: Excavation At Lillians Site 5MT.3936, Roys Ruin 5MT.3930, Shorlenes Site 5MT.3918 and Troys Tower 5MT.3951 (1990)
- Crow Canyon - 1989 Sand Canyon Project Testing Program: Preliminary Report on Excavations at Troy's Tower (5MT. 3951), Catherine's Site (5MT. 3967), and Stanton's Site (5MT. 10508) (1991)
- Crow Canyon - 1989 Sand Canyon Project Testing Program: Preliminary Report On Excavations At Troy's Tower (5MT.3951), Catherine's Site (5MT.3967), and Stanton's Site (5MT.10508) (1991)
- Crow Canyon - 1989 Small Site Testing Program (1990)
- Crow Canyon - 1990 and 1991 Test Excavations In the Sand Canyon Locality (1990)
- Crow Canyon - 1990 Test Excavations In the Sand Canyon Locality (1990)
- Crow Canyon - 1991 Plan of Operations (1991)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report of Investigations At Green Lizard (5Mt3901) (1988 Report) (1988)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report of Test Excavations - 1984 Season (1985)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report of the 1988 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT. 765) (1989)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report of the 1988 Excavations At Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT.765) (1989)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report of the 1989 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo 5MT. 765 (1990)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report of the 1989 Excavations At Sand Canyon Pueblo 5MT.765 (1990)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report On Environmental Archaeology Program Research: 1992 Field Season (1993)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report On Excavations At Sand Canyon Pueblo 1987 Field Season (1988)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report Test Excavations: Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT. 765) (1986)
- Crow Canyon - Annual Report Test Excavations: Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT.765) (1986)
- Crow Canyon - Crow Canyon & Sand Canyon Areas 1985 (1986)
- Crow Canyon - Duckfoot Site (5MT.3868) Zooarchaeology (1989)
- Crow Canyon - Duckfoot Site Investigations Annual Report (1987)
- Crow Canyon - Duckfoot Site Pollen (5MT.3868) (1988)
- Crow Canyon - Excavation & Testing On Private Lands (1986)
- Crow Canyon - Laboratory Teaching Manual (1987)
- Crow Canyon - Land Use Lease (1989)
- Crow Canyon - Measuring Site Uselife and Seasonality of Occupation: Accumulation Rate Studies (1990)
- Crow Canyon - Phenology (Seasonality) Studies of Native Plants In the Sand Canyon Locality Considered Important Prehistoric Resources (1993)