US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
No description specified.
Alternate Names: Fort Worth District, U.S. Corps of Engineers , US Army COE, Fort Worth Distirct, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District Corps of Engineers , U.SA, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth , US Army COE, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , COE-Fort Worth , U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Burec, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , Fort Worth Corps of Engineers; US Army , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth Dist. , USA, COE, Fort Worth District , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth Dist. , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas , U.S. COE, Fort Worth District , United States Army Corps of Engineerts, Fort Worth, TX , EPA, COE, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army COE, Fort Worth Dist. , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District , Fort Worth Corps of Engineers , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , U.S. Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Federal Technical Responsible Individual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , COE, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District COE, City of Arlington, Tx , For U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Department of the Army, Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Fort Worth District , U.S. Army COE, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Engineer District, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , US Army COE, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps os Engineers-Ft. Worth , COE-FWD, Fort Worth , Dept. of Army, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , For U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Ft. Worth District , U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Fort Worth , Department of the Army, Fort Worth Corps of Engineers , US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth Dist., and GSA , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District , COE-Fort Worth District , U.S.A.C.E., Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth Division , U.S. Army Engineer District, Fort Worth; THC , US Army Corps Of Engineers-Fort Worth Division (COE-FWD) , U.S. Army Corpos of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth COE, City of Kyle , Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , U S Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers , COE / Fort Worth District , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, TX , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , US Army Corrps of Engineers-Fort Worth Division
Institution Members
51-100 (337 Records)
- Archeological Investigations at Bear Creek, Dallas County, Texas
- Archeological Investigations at Choke Canyon Reservoir, South Texas: the Phase I Findings (1982)
- Archeological Investigations at Hutton Branch, Carrollton, Dallas County, Texas (1994)
- Archeological Investigations at Rickel Park Conversion Area City of Hurst, Tarrant County,Texas. (1993)
- Archeological Investigations at the San Gabriel Reservation Districts, Central Texas Vol 1-4 (1982)
- Archeological Reconnaissance Downstream From the Amistad International Dam: River Miles 0-12.6 (1976)
- Archeological Reconnaissance in Big Sandy Drainage Basin: An Empirical Approach To Investigating Settlement In East Texas (1982)
- Archeological Reconnaissance in the Big Sandy Drainage Basin: An Empirical Approach To Investigating Settlement In East Texas (1982)
- Archeological Reconnaissance of Portions of Walnut and Little Walnut Creeks, Austin, Texas (1980)
- An Archeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Water and Wastewater System Construction at the City of Wilmer, Dallas County (1991)
- Archeological Reconnaissance of the Lower Sabine River Valley, Toledo Bend Dam To Gulf Intercoastal Waterway, Louisiana and Texas (1978)
- Archeological Survey and Testing at Camp Stanley Storage Activity, Bexar County, Texas (1998)
- Archeological Survey for a Sanitary Sewer Project in Kyle, Hays County, Texas (2001)
- Archeological Survey of 2.4 Miles of Proposed JTF-6 Road Improvements, Maverick County, Texas (2001)
- An Archeological Survey of 400 Acres at Camp Bullis Military Reservation, Bexar County, Texas (1999)
- An Archeological Survey of a Proposed Location for Construction of an Airstrip for Laughlin Air Force Base on the Newman Ranch, Kinney County, Texas (1987)
- Archeological Survey of Emergency Watershed Program Killeen, Texas, Bell County (1993)
- Archeological Survey of Garza-Little Elm Reservoir, Denton County, Texas (1950)
- Archeological Survey of Lauon Reservoir, Collin County, TX (1949)
- Archeological Survey of Lost Creek Reservoir, Jack County, Texas. (1986)
- Archeological Survey of the City Lakes Area and Geomorphological and Magnetometer Surveys, Cooper Lake Project, Delta and Hopkins Counties, Texas (1991)
- An Archeological Survey of the Preferred Construction Location of an Airstrip for Laughlin Air Force Base, Kinney County, Texas. (1987)
- Archeological Survey of the Proposed Flood Control Project Along Johnson Creek, Grand Prairie and Arlington, Texas (1988)
- Archeological Survey of the Proposed Flood Control Project Along Ten Mile Creek, City of Desoto, Dallas County, Texas (1989)
- Archeological Survey of Whitney Basin, Bosque and Hill Counties, Texas, a Preliminary Report (1949)
- Archeological Survey of Wildlife Mitigation Lands, Justiceburg Reservoir, Garza County, Texas (1991)
- Archeological Test Excavations at 41Wm21 in Granger Reservoir, Williamson County, Texas (1979)
- Archeology at Aquilla Lake 1978-1982 Investigations. Volumes I-II. (1987)
- Archeology at Aquilla Lake 1978-1982 Investigations. Volumes III. (1987)
- Archival Investigations Concerning the San Pedro Outlet Site, San Antonio, Texas (1987)
- Archival, Oral Informant, and Archaeological Investigations at the Sinclair Cemetery (1986)
- Assessment of Cultural Resources Properties Within Proposed Flood Control Project Areas Along San Felipe Creek and Cantu Branch of Cienegas Creek, Val Verde County, Texas (2000)
- Avon Park Air Force Range: Ceramic Data Appendix (2008)
- Avon Park Air Force Range: Phase I and Phase II Investigations on Avon Park Air Force Range, Polk and Highlands Counties, Florida (2007)
- Belton Lake, Bell County, Texas Surplus Lands Under EO 12348 (1982)
- Bioanthropological Investigation of Nineteenth Century Burials at Site 41DT105: Cultural Resource Studies for Cooper Lake, Delta County,Texas (1992)
- The Bird Point Island and Adams Ranch Sites: Methodological and Theoretical Contributions to North Central Texas Archaeology (1987)
- Boggy Creek Archeological Survey (1978)
- Border Star 85 Survey: Toward an Archeology of Landscapes (1988)
- Broad Prairies and Vast Distances: A Brief Environmental History of Dyess Air Force Base (2013)
- Buried Archeological Site Potential in the Dallas Floodway Project Area (1999)
- Camp Bullis Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (2008)
- Camp Bullis Military Reservation Cultural Resources Management Plan (1996)
- Camp Bullis Training Site Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (2001)
- Ceramic Vessels from the Pleasure Point Sit (41MR63) Marion County, Texas
- Changing Landscapes and Lifeways Along the Trinity: Archaeology and History of Ray Roberts Lake (1990)
- Conservation Archaeology of the Richland-Chambers Dam and Reservoir (1981)
- Cultural Resource Assessment of the Runnels Federal Building Annex Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico (1995)
- Cultural Resource Investigations at the Little Cypress Reservoir Harrison County, Texas. (1987)
- A Cultural Resource Survey at Mitchell County Reservoir, Mitchell County, Texas (1991)