No description specified.
Institution Members
401-450 (716 Records)
- Cultural Resources Survey Report; US 290: At ACC Pinnacle Campus, Improvements (1992)
- Cultural Resources Survey Report; US 69: From 0.6 mi N of Biloxi Creek Bridge (1991)
- Cultural Resources Survey, Wharton Municipal Airport, Wharton County, Texas (1992)
- A Cultural Ressource Survey of Proposed Improvements to the South Shaver Road Ditch, Harris County, Texas (2001)
- D-8A 845.716 IPEs 917, 351 and 428, IH 37 and US 77 (Nueces County) and IH 37: (San Patricio County) (1983)
- Diana Dr. at US 54 and Dyer St., Rehabilitation and Widening, El Paso County (1995)
- Dimmit County Airport; Project No. 94-05-021 (1993)
- Eaglecrest Boulevard, from Crestway Drive North 0.6 Mile to the Windcrest City Limits (1994)
- East Loop 363: From US 190 S of Temple to IH-35 N of Temple, CRA, Bell County (1975)
- Engineering and Maintenance Office, Longview, Gregg County (1993)
- Evaluation of Sensistive Cultural Resource Locations withn TxDot Right-Of-Way for Proposed Fiber Optic Line Between Denison and Fort Worth, Texas (2001)
- Expansion of SH 101 Between FM 1810 in Chico and US 380 in Bridgeport from Two to Four Lanes (1995)
- Extension of Rebecca Lane West from Catclaw Creek to US 277 in the City of Abilene (1988)
- F.M. 3510: From 3.3 miles east of SH 16 to SH 97, Cultural Resources Assessment (1990)
- F.M. 689: Bridge Rehabilitation at Bandera Creek and No Name Creek, Cultural Resources Survey, Bandera County (1989)
- Final Letter Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Proposed Highway Maintenance Facility Adjacent to SH 97 in Floresville, Wilson County, Texas (2002)
- Final Report of Test Excavations at Site 41PC476 Along SH 349 in Pecos County, Texas (1996)
- FM 1003: From US 69 to FM 1293, Road Widening and Bridge Replacements at Cypress Creek Crossing and Cypress Creek Relief, Hardin County (1994)
- FM 1023: Reconstruction Along a 0.4 Mile Section (1994)
- FM 1027 Four Bridge Replacements on the Sabana River and Tributary, Greer Creek, Elm Creek, Eastland County (1994)
- FM 1030: Improvements to County Road from Wallace Creek, 3.5 Miles (1994)
- FM 1050: Sabinal River, Low Water Crossing Replacement (1993)
- FM 1093: From Brazos River to FM 723 - 12.4 miles, Harris County (1986)
- FM 1134: Reconstruction of Existing Road to FM Standards (1994)
- FM 1188 Replacement of Two Bridges: Nail Creek and the Tributary to the N. Paluxy River, Erath County (1995)
- FM 1245: Bridge Replacement (1991)
- FM 1275: From Loop 224 to 0.9 mile South (1990)
- FM 127: 1.5 Miles North of Blundell Creek, 700 Feet (1984)
- FM 1299: From SH 60 in Wharton, Along Alabama Road (1988)
- FM 1336: SH16 in Medina City, West 7.8 Miles, Cultural Resources Assessment, Bandera County (1975)
- FM 1426 from .2 Miles North of FM 3461 South to US 83 (1996)
- FM 1460 Extension in Georgetown (1995)
- FM 1464 Improvements at Stephen F. Austin High School and Macario Garcia Middle School, Fort Bend County (1994)
- FM 1464: Additions of Left Turn Lane, Paved Shoulders, and Right Turn Lane, from Stephen F. Austin High to Macario Garcia Middle (1995)
- FM 1484: Bridge Replacements at Camp, Caney, Bens, and McRae Creeks (1993)
- FM 153 at Pin Oak Creek, Cultural Resources Assessment, Bastrop County (1983)
- FM 1542: Bridge Replacement at Cottonwood Branch Creek (1995)
- FM 1542: Bridge Replacement at Walnut Creek (1995)
- FM 157: From SH 121 to SH 183 in the Cities of Bedford and Euless (1990)
- FM 1589: From US 277 West and North 1.1 Miles with Bridge Replacement at Elm Creek (1995)
- FM 1590, 1591, and 1908 Drainage Structures, Limestone County (1991)
- FM 170 Improvements (1994)
- FM 1735: From Chapel Hill to 0.3 Mile South of Roeder (1994)
- FM 1741 from FM 93 at Taylors Valley to the Temple City Limits at Waters Dairy Road, Bell County (1995)
- FM 1845: CR 343 & FM 726 to CR 350 & FM 1845 (1990)
- FM 1845: From FM 1844 in E. Mountain to FM 726 in W. Mountain (1986)
- FM 1847 Widening from FM 802 to FM 3248 in Brownsville from Two Lane to Four Lane, Cameron County (1995)
- FM 1961: Bridge Replacement at Milby Creek (1994)
- FM 2094: Widening Between Southshore Dr. and SH 146 (1991)
- FM 2154: From FM 2818 to 0.2 Miles So. of CR 203, Brazos County, Brazos County (1994)