SDHPT, Austin
No description specified.
351-400 (942 Records)
- IH-35: FM 3009 to Loop 337, Widening the Main Lanes from Four to Six (1991)
- IH-35: From FM 1325 to Loop 384 North (FM 3406) in Round Rock, 3.8 Miles (1986)
- IH-35: From the Missouri Pacific Railroad Underpass North of US 83, North 9.2 Miles (1981)
- IH-45 (N): From Beltway 8 to Airtex - 3.1 Miles (1985)
- In Brenham on Stone Street from FM 577, West (1976)
- In Cleveland on Truman St.: Fr om SH 321 to Legion Ave., East and Southeast (1975)
- In Groves on Jefferson St. from Lawndale SW and SE to SH 73 (1975)
- In Port Neches on Grigsby Ave.: From W. of Llano Ave., to E. of Merriman St. (1975)
- In Port Neches on Magnolia St.: From 12th St. t o NE of FM 365 (1975)
- In Port Neches on Merriman St. at Main "A" Canal (1975)
- Initial Arch.Testing, 41BX502, Bexar and Medina Counties, SH 16 from 7.8 Miles NW to Park Road 37 in Medina County (1978)
- Initial Archaeological Testing Along Proposed SH 16 (41BX502), Bexar County, Texas (1978)
- Initial Archaeological Testing Report Along Proposed Loop 1604 (41BX503, Bexar County Texas (1978)
- Initial Testing Report and Recommendations for Archeological Resources Along Proposed FM 3359, Panola County, Texas (1978)
- Initial Testing Report for 41 FY 135 (1979)
- Initial Testing Report for 41TG91 in Row of FM 584 (1978)
- Investigations at the Squawteat Peak Site, Pecos County, Texas (1981)
- IPE 299 - MH: On Arkansas Street from Market St. to SH 359 / US83 (1981)
- IPE 409 - FM 3348: From SH 16, 2.0 Miles East of Fredericksburg, Southeast and South to County Road, Cultural Resources Assessment, Gillespie County, Texas (1976)
- IPE 429 - MH: In Fredericksburg on North Elk Street at Town Creek (1977)
- IPE 523 & 524, FM 2157: From 3.8 Miles NE of F M3106 NE to FM 2870, 6.1 Miles S of US 377, Elath County, Texas (1976)
- IPEs 366, 391, 392 - US 190: From Livingston to the Tyler County Line (1981)
- Kerrville Loop: From FM 689 SE of Kerrville to Leslie Drive Intersection (1977)
- Lafayette Street- From Santa Maria Avenue, E. to IH 35 (1975)
- Lake Shore Drive: In Waco from Village Green Drive to FM 1637 (1984)
- Lawson Road: Bridge Replacements at North Mesquite Creek, South Mesquite Creek, and South Mesquite Creek Tributary, Northeast of Lawson, CRA, Dallas County (1990)
- Letter Report (Revised): SH 21 from the Little Brazos River to the Texas a & M Annex, Cultural Resources Assessment, Brazos County (1990)
- Letter Report FM 1604 from FM 1518 North of US 87E to US 87 and from US 87 East of San Antonio, South to US 181 (1978)
- Letter Report FM 560 Bridge Replacements at Barkman Creek, Barkman Creek Relief and Drainage, Archaeological Component (1990)
- Letter Report: Archaeological Surveys Conducted in the Tyler District During the Period of November 12-15, 1973, Cherokee County (1973)
- Letter Report: Archeological Component , FM 171 Bridge Replacement at the Wichita River, Clay County (1989)
- Letter Report: Archeological Component: Quincy Street (SH 194): Roadway Widening Project Beginning at FM 3466 and Extending North .6 Miles to US 70 in Plainview (1990)
- Letter Report: Bridge Replacement on J.J. Lemmon Road, Cultural Resources Assessment, Dallas County (1986)
- Letter Report: Clark Street: in Marlin from Walker Street (FM l47) East 0.9 Mile to SH 6 Bypass, Cultural Resources Assessment, Falls County (1977)
- Letter Report: Coit Road from 15th Street to SH 121 in Plano, Cultural Resources Assessment, Collin County (1991)
- Letter Report: Cooks Lake Road: Bridge Replacement at Village Slough, Just North of the Hardin / Jefferson County Line, Archaeological Component (1990)
- Letter Report: County Road 128 (Macey Road) Bridge Replacement at McDonald Creek, Little Cedar Creek, and Little Cedar Creek Relief, Cultural Resources Assessment, Brazos County (1991)
- Letter Report: County Road 134 (Poor Farm Road), Bridge Replacement at Davidson Creek, Archeological Component, Burleson County, Texas (1990)
- Letter Report: County Road 134: at San Antonio River, 1.8 Miles N of FM 1351, Cultural Resources Assessment, Goliad County (1983)
- Letter Report: County Road 230, Bridge Replacement at Plum Creek, 4.0 Miles Northeast of Luling, Cultural Resources Assessment, Caldwell County (1990)
- Letter Report: County Road 285 Bridge Replacement at the San Marcos River, Cultural Resources Assessment, Caldwell and Guadalupe Counties (1988)
- Letter Report: CR 111 on Rockhill Road at the Tributary of Wilson Creek, Cultural Resources Assessment, Collin County (1985)
- Letter Report: CR 111: Bridge Replacement at Honey Creek, Arcchaeological Component, Gillespie County, Texas (1990)
- Letter Report: CR 121: Bridge Replacement at Brushy Elm Creek, Northwest of Muenster, Cultural Resources Assessment, Cooke County (1991)
- Letter Report: CR 174 Bridge Construction at North Bosque River, Bosque County (1991)
- Letter Report: CR 176 (Hardy Weedon Road) Bridge replacement at Brushy Creek, and Brushy Creek Relief, Cultural Resources Assessment, Brazos County (1991)
- Letter Report: CR 207 at the Leon River, Cultural Resources Assessment, Coryell County (1982)
- Letter Report: CR 321: Bridge Replacement at the Leon River, 10.5 Miles Southeast of Gatesville, Archaeological Component, Coryell County (1990)
- Letter Report: CR 334: Bridge Replacement at Wolf Creek, Approximately 0.5 Miles East of FM 372 at Burns City, Cultural Resources Assessment, Cooke County (1990)
- Letter Report: CR 377: Bridge Replacement at Indian Creek, 1.3 Miles South of FM 678, Cultural Resources Assessment, Cooke County (1984)