SDHPT, Austin
No description specified.
201-250 (942 Records)
- FM 157: From SH 121 to SH 183 in the Cities of Bedford and Euless (1990)
- FM 157: In Euless from SH 121 t o SH 10 (845.702) (1985)
- FM 157: Missouri Pacific Underpass in Arlington-0.7 Mile (1984)
- FM 162: From FM 2518, West to SH 321 (1976)
- FM 1645: South to FM 138 at Arcadia (1977)
- FM 1673: From US 180 to US 84 (1990)
- FM 1677: From End of FM 1677 at Pumphrey Community to FM 2595 (1987)
- FM 1696: From FM 39 to IH 45 (1983)
- FM 17 Relocation (1976)
- FM 1719: From North City Limit of Amarillo to 1.883 miles North (1990)
- FM 1730: From Loop 289 South 1.1 Mi. (1977)
- FM 1735: 2.5 Mi. North of SH 11 NR Hickory Hill NW to Roeder, IPE 219 (1976)
- FM 1735: From SH 11 East of FM 2348 North to NR Hickory Hill, IPE 205 (1976)
- FM 1776: FM1450 South, 10.12 Miles (1975)
- FM 1845: CR 343 & FM 726 to CR 350 & FM 1845 (1990)
- FM 1845: From FM 1844 in E. Mountain to FM 726 in W. Mountain (1986)
- FM 1960: At the Hardy Toll Road and Missouri Pacific Railroad, D-8E 845.712 (1985)
- FM 1979: From Montgomery Road to Gibbs-Sprawl Road. (1990)
- FM 2008: From FM 651, 15 Mi Northeast of Post, South to FM 2008 at Verbena -6.75 Mi, CRA, Garza County (1986)
- FM 201: From FM 51 to Somervell County Line. (1975)
- FM 2034: At North Concho River 1.2 Miles South of US 87 - 0.2 Miles (1975)
- FM 2094: From 518 to Southshore Dr.-1.4 Miles, CRA, Galveston County (1986)
- FM 209: At Kings Creek, 1.8 Miles East and at a Draw, 2.5 Miles East of US 183 (1981)
- FM 2125 Roadway Widening / Improvements from the Intersection of Existing FM 2125 South to the Intersection of FM 2632, CRA, Brown County (1989)
- FM 2154 in College Station from FM 2347, Southeast to FM 2818, CRA, Brazos County (1980)
- FM 2170 from US 75, E to SH 5 in the City of Allen, CRA, Collin County (1987)
- FM 2196: From SH 214 to FM 1780 (1989)
- FM 2196: From SH 214 to FM 1780 (1990)
- FM 2234 from FM 521 to SH 288 (1988)
- FM 2262: From FM 2501 at Nigton, South to FM 357 (1984)
- FM 2304: On Manchacha Rd. from Matthews Lane to FM 1626 in Austin (1987)
- FM 2335: Bridge Replacement, Dove Creek, 5.7 Mi. So. of US 67 (1984)
- FM 2378: From US 84, 5.4 Miles N.W. of Shallowater, S. to Junction of FM 2641 and FM 2878 (1978)
- FM 2444: Extention and Construction. (1991)
- FM 2478 (Custer Road)from FM 2170 to Carpenter Road in the City of Plano, CRA, Collin County (1987)
- FM 2590: From FM 2219 to Loop 385 (1988)
- FM 2609: In Nacogdoches from FM 1275, East 0.7 Mile to FM 1411 (1975)
- FM 2609:From Loop 224 to Appleby (1983)
- FM 267: From SH 222, South and East to US 277 (1988)
- FM 2696 from 13.494mi N of IH 410, North 2.443mi- 2.443mi, CRA, Bexar County (1985)
- FM 2696 from Blanco Road from 2.0 miles North of Loop 1604 to the End of FM 2696, CRA, Bexar County (1990)
- FM 2728: From the end of FM 2728 to FM 429 (1975)
- FM 2818 FROM 2513, South Approximately 1.2 Miles, Brazos County (1982)
- FM 2818 from SH 6 / US 190 North of Bryan to Loop 507, Brazos County (1983)
- FM 2860: From the end of FM 3095 at Wilson Chapel Church and Cemetary to Intersection with US 175 (1977)
- FM 2869: From end of FM 2910, 1.9 Miles S.E. of FM 2088, S.E. to SH 154 (1978)
- FM 2883: From FM 400 East to FM 789 / 2883 - 5.1 Miles, Cultural Resources Assessment, Hale County (1985)
- FM 2910: From End of FM 2910, 4. 0 Mi. S. of FM 852, SE to Jct. of FM 3274 & FM 2088 (4.5 Mi.) (1974)
- FM 2917: Bridge Replacement at New Bayou (1991)
- FM 2921: From the End of FM 2921, NW to SH 6 in Gorman, CRA, Comanche County (1987)