J. Scott
No description specified.
1-50 (102 Records)
- 10 Wells for Coastal (1991)
- 10 Wells, Access & Pipelines for Coastal (1999)
- 11 Coastal Wells, Uintah Basin (1991)
- 14 Coastal Wells and Access (1991)
- 18 Coastal Oil and Gas Wells (1990)
- 18 Coastal Wells, vic. Bitter Creek (1991)
- 2 Wells & Road, South of Emma Park (1991)
- 3 Wells N of Bitter Creek Gas Field (1991)
- 3 Wells nr White River, Uintah & Ouray Res. (1991)
- 3 Wells, 3 Monitors vic. of Natural Buttes (1992)
- 4 Natural Butte Well Pads (1992)
- 6 ANR Ute Wells and Access (1994)
- 9 Wells, vic. Willow Creek North of Price (1991)
- ANR 2-32 and 1-15 Wells (1994)
- ANR Resources Flow Line to Ute Well #2-35A3 (1991)
- ANR Ute 1-16B6 Access Corridor (1995)
- Atchee Ridge State Well 22-32 (1995)
- BLM NBU Wells (1990)
- Chandler Glen Bench 11-16-8-22 (1997)
- Chandler Glen Bench Unit #8-17 (1995)
- Chandler Glen Bench Water Injection Pipeline (1995)
- Chandler Purdy Federal Well 6-34-7-21 (1996)
- Chandler's Glen Bench Unit 5-30-8-22 (1996)
- CIG Natural Buttes Pipeline F211-4 (1999)
- CIGE 214, 215 and 216 Wells / Pipelines / Access (1997)
- CIGE 28 to CIGE 133 Pipeline (1996)
- CIGE Well No. 148, Bitter Creek Gas Field (1991)
- Cirrus Manti-Lasal Coal Tracts EM / SV / SP (2002)
- Coastal ANR Saltwater Line for Ute 2-31A2 (1995)
- Coastal CIGE 204 & 205 Wells (1996)
- Coastal CIGE 207 & 208 Wells, Rds. & Pipelines (1997)
- Coastal CIGE 213 and 223 Wells (1997)
- Coastal CIGE 217 and NBU 273 Wells (1997)
- Coastal CIGE 219, 235 & 236 Wells / Pipelines / Rds. (1997)
- Coastal CIGE 225 & NBU 266, 268 & 269 Wells (1997)
- Coastal CIGE 228-15-10-21 Well, Pipeline & Access (1997)
- Coastal CIGE 231 / 232 / 233 & NBU 276 / 277 / 294 / 297-300 (1997)
- Coastal Compressor Site #3 (1996)
- Coastal Compressor Site #3 (1995)
- Coastal Compressor Site #5 (1996)
- Coastal Compressor Sites in Section 17, T9S, R21E (1996)
- Coastal Compressor Station 103 (1997)
- Coastal Drill Sites, NW Uinta Basin (1991)
- Coastal Kane Springs Unit 16-1 (1993)
- Coastal NBU #132 Well and Access (1990)
- Coastal NBU #138, N of Bitter Creek Gas Field (1991)
- Coastal NBU #164 Well and Access, Uinta Basin (1992)
- Coastal NBU 206, 260, 262 & 264 & CIGE 206-4-10-21 (1996)
- Coastal NBU 243, 244 & 245 Wells (1996)
- Coastal NBU 246, 247 & 249 Wells (1996)