Henry S. Keesling
No description specified.
51-84 (84 Records)
- Peroulis Scandinavian Retention Dams (1986)
- Pole Gulch Boundary Fence (1989)
- Pre-Emption Gulch Fence (1990)
- Proposed 3809, Notice of Intent, Drill Hole Program, 1987 (1987)
- Proposed 4 Mile Range Water Retention Dams 1-8, Located In the Fourmile Creek Area (1987)
- Proposed 4 Mile Spring Development Projects 1, 2, 3, & 4 In Fourmile Creek Area (1987)
- Proposed Conway Draw Retention Dams 87-8, 87-9, 87-10, 87-11, 87-12 and Monument Reservoir #0891 In the Greystone Area (1987)
- Proposed Dry Creek 87-1 & 87-2 Retention Dams (1987)
- Proposed Gill Reservoir Dam Reconstruction (1987)
- Proposed Motorcycle Races (1987)
- Proposed New Bridge Construciton On Road 34 N At Gates of Lodore (1987)
- Proposed Sand Wash Stream Gage (1987)
- Proposed Spring Development of Upper Icy and Icy Springs (1987)
- Proposed Villard Division Fence (1987)
- Proposed Water Retention Structures In Irish Canyon Area (1987)
- Proposed West Johnson Retention Dam (1987)
- Proposed Yampa Valley Electric Assoc. Extension 1-87 & Hunter Camp Trespass 1987 (1987)
- R and PP Lease C-36331, Gun Club Construction At Cedar Mountain (1987)
- Range Stock Ponds In Iron Mine Basin (1988)
- Range Stock Ponds In the Bord Gulch Area (1988)
- Robb Pit Pipeline (1990)
- Routt County Spicer Pit Co-010-Fu-87-2 (1987)
- Sand Hills Well Pipelines (1992)
- Sand Wash Hare and Hound Race (1987)
- Sand Wash Spring Projects 1988 (1988)
- Serviceberry Prescribed Burn (1995)
- Spring Developments At Georgie #1, #2, and #3 Springs (1987)
- Suttles Basin Range Project Stock Waterline Pits (1988)
- Two Fence Lines and Twelve Stock Pond Locations (1992)
- Upper Sagebrush Cr Spr (1986)
- Upper Sagebrush Creek Spring, Moffat County, Co (1986)
- Vermillion Ditch (1988)
- Yellow Cat Butte / Sevenmile Ridge Route for the Sand Wash Race - Sand Wash Hare and Hound Race (1987)
- Yellow Cat Spring Reconstruction (1988)