C. M. Haecker
No description specified.
251-300 (389 Records)
- Florida Ave. R / W Project St-(M)-4921(201) For Nmshd (1986)
- Gallup Port of Entry For Nmshd Proj #Sp-I-40-1(205)21 (1989)
- Gas Well Tie-In-Lines For Gas Company of New Mexico (1978)
- H #4-A & E #2-a Well Locations For Mobil Oil (1978)
- Haul Road For Surfacing Pit 89-2-S For Nmshd Proj #F-019-1(8)(21) (1990)
- Highway Patrol Yard Near Golden, NM For Nmshd Dist 5 (1990)
- I-10 Las Cruces, NM For Nmshd Proj Ir-010-2(57)138 (1987)
- I-40 Cantinental Divide & NM 117 Interchange For Nmshd Proj #Ir-040-1(94)47 (1989)
- Inspection of 1 Tower Location & Associated Access Way For Grants Broadcasting (1979)
- Interstate 10 Near Lordsburg For Nmshd (1986)
- Investigation Along Sr 35 Near Mimbres For Nmshd (1985)
- Investigations Along Sr 52 For Nmshd (1985)
- Investigations Along Sr 95 For Nmshd (1985)
- Jicarilla #E-14 Pipe Line R / W For Gas Company of New Mexico (1978)
- Manuelito Slide Area Addendum For Nmshd Proj #Sp-2348(200) (1989)
- Manuelito Slide Area Near Manuelito, NM For Nmshd Proj #Sp-2348(200) (1989)
- Manzano State Park Access Road Near Manzano, NM For Nmshd Proj #Sp-5-75(411) (1990)
- McCollum #3 Well Location For Basin Fuels (1978)
- Mtn Rd Extension Tucumcari Boulevard To US 54 For Nmshd Proj #Sp-Pf-024-3(205) (1988)
- Near Jct US 84 / 285 & State Road 399 For Nmshd Proj #Sp-St-(F)-051-1(202) (1991)
- Nebu #3-1, #51-A, #64, #43-a Well Locations For Blackwood & Nichols (1978)
- NM 53 / NM 122 Junction Near Milan, NM For Nmshd Proj #Sp-(F)-003-2(200) (1990)
- NM Sr 59 Near Beaverhead Ranger Station, Gila National Forest (1985)
- Pipe Line Locations Grenier #23 & #8-A & Payne #2-a For Gas Co of NM (1978)
- Pipe Line Tie-In For Ute MT Tribal L #2 & P #1 For Amoco Oil Co (1979)
- Pit 86-11-S Near Tejon For Nmshd (1986)
- Pit 86-12-S South of Vaughn Fornmshd (1986)
- Pit 86-15-S Near Kenna No Sp-Etf-024-1(204) For Nmshd (1986)
- Pit 86-16-S & Pit 'a' Near Mounment For Nmshd (1986)
- Pit 86-29-S East of Carrizozo For Nmshd For Sp-Etf-019-1(205) (1987)
- Pit 88-4-S Gravel Crusher Site & Channel Reroute / Nmshd Proj #Wipp-Brf-F-054-1(3) (1988)
- Pit 90-8-S Near Kenna, NM For Nmshd Proj #F-024-1(14) (1990)
- Pit a Along I-25 For Nmshd Proj #Ir-025-6(64)430 (1989)
- Pit a For Gallup Port of Entry For Nmshd Proj #Sp-I-040-1(205)12 (1990)
- Pit a Near Elida, NM For Nmshd Proj #Sp-Of-024-1(205) (1989)
- Pit B East of Deming, NM For Nmshd Proj #Ir-010-2(73)86 (1988)
- Pit Extension 62-13-S South of Gage For Nmshd Project Ir-010-2(69)63 (1986)
- Pit Extension West of Santa Rosa For Nmhsd Proj #Ir-040-5(46)247 (1987)
- Pits a & B Near Rowe, NM For Nmshd Proj #Ir-025-5(70)308 (1989)
- Proposed Pit A, Ext Pit B, Sr 4 Ext R-O-W Brf-F-054-1(3) For State Highway Dept (1986)
- Proposed Surfacing Pit Near Hobbs Proj.#RS-1218(4) For Nmshd (1985)
- Proposed Surfacing Pit Proj. #Sp-Etf-028-1(203) For New Nexico Highway Dept (1985)
- R-O-W Fencelines Maintenance For Nmsh Project Nos Sp-4-87(654)(655)(656)&(657) (1986)
- Red Wash Canyon For Nmshd District 5 (1986)
- Rio Grande Del Rancho, Near NM Sr 3 (1985)
- Seven Borrow Pits Along US 70 / 380 Near Hondo Dist 2 For NM State Hwy Dept (1986)
- Sewage Treatment Plant In Shiprock, NM For W F Turney & Associates (1978)
- Slide Correction Area On Sr 126 No F-038-1(1) For Nmshd (1986)
- Slide Correction Area On US Hill For Nmshd Dist 6 (1987)
- Slide Repair On Sr 3 Near Tres Ritos District 5 For Nmshd (1986)