Department of Anthropology, Suny At Buffalo
No description specified.
201-211 (211 Records)
- Stage II Archaeological Investigations at the Allen Site, Ub 2086 and the Zephyr Site, Ub 2107, Town of Amherst, Erie County, New York (1983)
- Stage II Archaeological Investigations at the Swede Hill Site (Ub2093) Village of Depew, Erie County, New York (1983)
- Stage II Cultural Resource Investigation of the Villa Maria Site Erie County Sewer District No. 5 Cheektowaga, New York (1977)
- Stage II Cultural Resource Investigation On the Toll House Site, U.B. 1579 Addendum To (Reports of the Archaeological Survey Volume 10, Number 17) (1979)
- Stage II Cultural Resource Investigations On the Boston Valley Interceptors, C-36-757 (1978)
- Stage II Cultural Resource Investigations On the Stone Site U.B. 1524 (1978)
- Stage III Archaeological Mitigation at the Webber, Miller, Banko 2, and Duffy Sites in the Boston Valley, Town of Boston, Erie County, New York (1984)
- Stage One Cultural Resource Investigations for Wastewater Systems Improvements, Outfall Alternatives and Disposal Plant Upgrading Erie County, Sewer District Village of Blasdell, New York (1979)
- Supplemental Cultural Resource Investigation for the Liverpool To Moyers Corners Interchange, Pin 3035.12, Town of Clay, Onondaga County, New York (1983)
- Supplemental Ellicott Creek Cultural Resource Survey (1978)
- Written, Photographic, and Graphic Documentation for the Historic American Engineering Record On the Driving Park Avenue Bridge (Seneca Park Bridge) Pin 4750.76 City of Rochester Monroe County, New York (1983)