AltaMira Press, etc.]
No description specified.
1-50 (130 Records)
- Accelerator Dating the Ceramic Assemblage from the Fletcher Site: Implications of a Pilot Study for Interpretation of the Wayne Period (1990)
- Adena Chiefodms? Evidence from the Wright Mounds (1989)
- Amorphous Core Technologies in the Midsouth (1986)
- Analysis of Prehistoric Food Remains from the Bruly St. Martin Site, Louisiana, With a Comparative Discussion of Mississippi Valley Faunal Studies (1980)
- Archaeobotanical Remains from the Hester Site: the Late Paleoindian and Early Archaic Horizons (1986)
- Archaeological Investigation of the Armitage Mound (33-AT-434), the Plains, Ohio (1992)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Fitzhugh Site (3LN212): a Plum Bayou Culture Household in Central Arkansas (1992)
- Archaeological Visibility of Bipolar Technology: An Example from the Koster Site (1993)
- Archaic Dugout Form Savannah Lake, Ohio: With Speculations On Trade and Transmission in the Prehistoric (1982)
- Archaic Period Settlement Systems On Northeastern Mississippi (1982)
- Blackduck Ceramics of the Smith Site (21KC3) and Their Implications For the History of Blackduck Ceramics and Culture In Northern Minnesota (1978)
- Blastomycosis and Tuberculosis in Early American Indians: a Biocultural View (1987)
- Boaz Mastodon: a Possible Association of Man and Mastodon In Wisconsin (1976)
- Bone Composition and the Reconstruction of Diet: Examples from the Midwestern United States (1982)
- Boston Ledges Shelter: Comparative Spatial Analyses of Early Late Woodland Occupations in Summit County, Ohio (1976)
- Caddoan Settlements in the Arkansas Ozarks: the Upper Lee Creek Valley (1983)
- Cahokia Interaction With Contemporary Southeastern and Eastern Societies (1993)
- Ceramic Chronology and Culture History of the Southern Ouachita River Basin: Coles Creek To the Early Historic Period (1990)
- Ceramic Classification and Temporal Discrimination: a Consideration of Later Prehistoric Stylistic Change in the Mississippi River Delta (1981)
- Ceramic Funerary Masks from McKinstry Mound 2 (1992)
- Ceremonial Pick: a Consideration of Its Place in Eastern Woodlands Prehistory (1984)
- Ceremonial Pick: a Consideration of Its Place in Eastern Woodlands Prehistory (1984)
- Chenopod As Cultigen: a Re-Evaluation of Some Prehistoric Collections from Eastern North America (1977)
- Clay Funerary Masks in Illinois Hopewell (1981)
- Coles Creek Period Faunal Exploitation in the Quachita River Valley of Southern Arkansas (1992)
- Copper Earspools from Ohio Hopewell Sites (1992)
- Debitage Graphs and Archaic Settlement Patterns in the Arkansas Ozarks (1979)
- Demography and Mortuary Practice at Seip Mound One (1985)
- Dog Burial from Isle Royale, Lake Superior: An Example of Household Ritual Sacrifice in the Terminal Woodland Period (1990)
- Early Archaic of Willow Branch (1977)
- Early Marksville Burial Component in Southeastern Louisiana (1984)
- Early Mississippian Connections at the Late Woodland Mill Hollow Site in Lorain County, Ohio (1993)
- Early Plains Woodland and Middle Plains Woodland Occupation of the James River Region in Southeastern North Dakota (1989)
- Ecotonal Settlement and Subsistence In the Northern Midwest (1980)
- Epidemic Disease in the Postcontact Southeast: a Reappraisal (1980)
- Evidence of Local Biological Continuity for an Ohio Hopewell Complex Population (1986)
- Examination of Casteel's MNI Behavior Analysis: a Reductionist Approach (1982)
- Excavations at 40LK1, a Mississippian Substructural Mound in the Reelfoot Basin, Lake County, Tennessee (1993)
- Excavations at Pinson Mounds: Ozier Mound (1992)
- Excavations at the Haystack Rockshelters, Powell County, Kentucky (1979)
- Excavations at the Maystack Rockshelters, Powell County, Kentucky (1979)
- Factors in Siting a Middle Woodland Enclosure In Middle Tennessee (1993)
- Faunal Remains and White-Tailed Deer Exploitaiton from a Late Woodland Upland Encampment: the Boschert Site (23SC609), St. Charles County, Missouri (1989)
- Focal-Diffuse Model: An Evolutionary Perspective On the Prehistoric Cultural Adaptations of the Eastern United States (1976)
- Functional Group Changes and Acculturation: a Case Study of the French and the Indian in the Lower Mississippi Valley (1979)
- Fur Trade Archaeology: a Study of Frontier Hierarchies (1986)
- Galena Analysis and Poverty Point Trade (1982)
- Havana Tradition Chronology of Central Missouri (1977)
- Historic Documents and Prehistoric Sugaring: a Matter of Cultural Context (1986)
- Hopewell Middle Woodland Settlement Systems and Cultural Dynamics in Southern Michigan (1981)