Plains Anthropological Conference
No description specified.
1-7 (7 Records)
- Ancient Recipes Revealed: FTIR Analysis of Central Plains Tradition Pottery (2010)
- Avonlea Projectile Point Manufacture: a Testable Model. In Avonlea Yesterday and Today: Archaeology and Prehistory (L. B. Davis Editor) (1986)
- The Goshen Paleoindian Complex: A Clovis Variant and the Direct Precursor of Folsom (3000)
- Henry Smith Site: An Avonlea Bison Procurement and Ceremonial Complex In Northern Montana. In Avonlea Yesterday and Today: Archaeology and Prehistory (L. B. Davis ED), PP. 191-202 (1988)
- Obsidian Quarries of the Centennial Valley of Southwestern Montana (3000)
- Redating the Magic Mountain Site: Implications for the Plains Archaic (1989)
- Three Avonlea Bison Kill Sites In the Milk River Drainage of Northeastern Montana. In Avonlea Yesterday and Today: Archaeology and Prehistory (L. B. Davis, Editor) PP. 89-100 (1988)