No description specified.
1-40 (40 Records)
- Analyse tracéologique des outillages de quartz: les enseignements du site néolithique moyen-tardif de Bjurselet, Suéde septentrionale (1989)
- Analysis of DNA from ethnoarchaeological stone scrapers (2001)
- Anatomy of a notch. An in-depth experimental investigation and interpretation of combat traces on Bronze Age swords (2019)
- Blind tests of inter-analyst correspondence and accuracy in the identification of cut marks, percussion makrs, and carnivore tooth marks on bone surfaces (1996)
- Bone degradation, burial medium and species representation: debunking the myths, an experiment-based approach (1996)
- Clues to stone tool function re-examined: comparing starch grain frequencies on used and unused obsidian artefacts (1998)
- Cut and tooth mark distributions on large animal bones: ethnoarchaeological data from the Hadza and their implications for current ideas about early human carnivory (2002)
- De-mystifying pottery production in Maya lowlands: detection of traces of use-wear on pottery sherds through microscopic analysis and experimental replication (2002)
- Determining stone tool use: chemical and morphological analyses of residues on experimentally manufactured stone tools (1997)
- Environmental factors and the yield potential of ancient wheat crops (1997)
- An evaluation of Keeley's microwear approach (1981)
- Evidence of early tobacco in Northeastern North America? (2006)
- An experimental investigation in cut mark production and stone tool attribution (2008)
- The Experimental Earthwork at Wareham, Dorset after 33 years: 3. Interaction of soil organisms with buried materials (2000)
- The Experimental Earthwork at Wareham, Dorset after 33 years: changes to the buried LFH and Ah horizons (2003)
- Experimental evidence concerning spear use in Neandertals and early modern humans (2003)
- Experimental Evidence Concerning Spear Use in Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans (2003)
- Experimental evidence for lithic projectile injuries: improving identification of an under-recognised phenomenon (2006)
- Experimental patterns of hammerstone percussion damage on bones: implications for inferences of carcass processing by humans (2006)
- Experimental Replication and Use of Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian Antler Projectile Points (1998)
- An experimental study of the effects of salt erosion on pottery (1990)
- Experimental study of heat induced morphological changes in fish bone collagen (1986)
- Experimental tests of Middle Palaeolithic spear points using a calibrated crossbow (2001)
- Experiments in taphonomy (1995)
- Interprétation fonctionelle d’un site gravettien à burins de Noailles (2001)
- New Experimental Data on the Distance of Sling Projectiles Denmark: an experimental perspective (2009)
- The parallel-flaked flint daggers of the late Neolithic Denmark: an experimental perspective (1993)
- Red blood cell haemotaphonomy of experimental human bloodstains on techno-prehistoric lithic raw materials (2002)
- Relative frequency of butchering cutmarks produced by obsidian and flint: an experimental approach (2007)
- Simulating the formation of dual-patterned archaeofaunal assemblages with experimental control principles (1998)
- Simulation experiments for determining the use of ancient pottery vessels: the behaviour of epicuticular leaf wax during boiling of a leafy vegetable (1997)
- Simulation of artefact movement due to cultivation (1990)
- Skilled people or specialists? Knowledge and expertise in copper age vessels from central Italy (2019)
- Small Size, Large Scale Roman Brass Production in Germania Inferior (1999)
- Smelter and smith: Iron Age metal fabrication technology in Southern Africa (2002)
- Some preliminary observations on subsurface damage on experimental and archaeological quartz tools using CLSM and dye (2001)
- Stone circles and megalith geometry: an experiment to test alternative design practices (1986)
- Use wear and post-depositional surface modification: a word of caution (1986)
- Usewear characterisation of prehistoric flints with IBA (1992)
- Woody Vegetation Expansion in a Desert Grassland: Prehistoric Human Impact? (2007)