José Iriarte
1-5 (5 Records)
- Investigating Plant Management in the Tucumã (Pará-Brazil) and Monte Castelo (Rondônia- Brazil) Shell Midden using Phytoliths Analysis (2016)
- The Missing Mammals of Cerro Azul (Guaviare, Colombia): Extreme Fragmentation in Neotropical Zooarchaeological Assemblages (2024)
- The Origins of Amazonian Cuisine: Archaeobotanical Study of Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence Systems in Limoncillos, Colombia (2024)
- Scales and visibility of human-environment interactions in western Amazonia: the case of the geoglyph builders (2015)
- Talk to the hand: experimental research on the painted hand depictions of Cerro Azul, Colombia (2024)