Archaeological Services Consultants, Inc.
No description specified.
1-50 (510 Records)
- Addendum To a Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Preliminary Work at the Delaware Water Supply Improvements Project, Troy Township, Delaware County, Ohio (1990)
- Addendum To Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For the Proposed AT&T Toledo-Whitehouse Fiber Optics Cable, Lucas County, Ohio (1990)
- Addendum To Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For the Proposed Dayton Power and Light Pipeline in Darke and Shelby Counties, Ohio (1994)
- Addendum To Reconnaissance Survey For a Proposed Gas Pipeline Through Portions of Fairfield, Perry, Muskingum, and Noble Counties, Ohio: Examination of Four Additional Areas in Muskingum County, Ohio (1993)
- Addendum To the Literature Review and Field Reconnaissance To the Historic Structures of the Proposed Feasible Alternatives Segment of the Cla / Gre Little Miami Bikeway-Part II, Clark and Greene Counties, Ohio (1992)
- Addendum To the Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For the Quaker City Channel in Millwood Township, Guernsey County, Ohio (1992)
- Addendum To the Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For the Upper Scioto Sewer's Shaft Sites (#12, 13, and 14) in Washington Township, Franklin County, Ohio (1993)
- Addendum To the Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey: of the Proposed Burkes Point Boat Ramp in Porter Township, Scioto County, Ohio (1990)
- Addendum To the Literature Review and Site Locational Survey For the Proposed Upper Scioto West Interceptor Sewer Project, Shaft 5 Along Dublin Road in Norwich and Washington Townships, Franklin County, Ohio (1993)
- Addendum To the Phase I & II Cultural Resource Survey For the Proposed Columbus Southern Power Company's 138Kv Loop To the Mead Corporation, Scioto Township, Ross County, Ohio (1991)
- Addendum To: a Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For the Proposed I-270 Interchange at Stelzer Road in Mifflin Township, Franklin County, Ohio (1992)
- Addendum To: Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey of the Proposed Perry County Bikeway in Thorn, Hopewell, Reading, Jackson, Pike, and Salt Lick Townships, Perry County, Ohio (1993)
- Addendum To: Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey of the Sugarcreek Clay & Limestone, Inc. Mining Tract Proposed in Permit Application #1250 In Keene Township, Coshocton County, Ohio (1992)
- Addendum To: Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey For Three Mining Tracts in German Township, Harrison County, Ohio (1991)
- Addendum To: Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Metzger Park in Sharon Township, Franklin County, Ohio (1988)
- Addendum To: Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Watkins Road Bridge Replacement, Madison Township, Franklin County, Ohio (1989)
- Addendum To: Phase II Archaeological Assessment of Six Sites in Ross County, Ohio and Backhoe Testing of Floodplains In Ross and Fayette Counties, Ohio, To Be Crossed By a Segment of the Hopetown-Xenia AT&T Fiber Optics Cable (1988)
- Additional Archaeological Investigations at 33 Cs 102, Cs 106, and Cs 108, Within the Proposed Oxford Mining Tract #0977, Coshocton County, Ohio (1987)
- Additional Cultural Resource Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For Portions of a Proposed Connector Road For a Proposed I-71 Interchange, Orange Township, Delaware County, Ohio, an Addendum To Phase I and II Cultural Resource Surv (1990)
- Archaeological and Architectural Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Cleveland Avenue and Maxtown Road Extension Alternatives in Sharon and Blendon Townships, Franklin County, and Orange and Genoa Townships, Delaware County, Ohio (1993)
- Archaeological Assessment and Data Recovery of the Gallatin Sawmill at 36 Fa 428: the Eberhart Grist Mill, Dam, and Gallatin Sawmill (1995)
- Archaeological Assessment of 33 Tu 246 and 33 Tu 264 in Salem Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (1987)
- Archaeological Assessment of 33-Je-91: the Kithcart Ridge Site Located Within the Proposed R&F Coal Company Arrowhead Mining Tract (#D-1117) in Wayne Township, Jefferson County, Ohio (1990)
- Archaeological Assessment Survey of 33 Bl 178, 33 Bl 179 and 33 Bl 180, Three General Woodland Sites and Documentation of Tunnel Portions of a Mill Race at 33 Bl 176 Within the Proposed Cravat Coal Company Strip Mining Tract (#D-1127) in Yo (1990)
- Archaeological Assessment Survey of 33 VI 365, 33 VI 367, and 33 VI 374, Three Prehistoric Lithic Scatters Located Within the Proposed Benedict, Inc. Strip Mining Tract (#D-609-2) in Elk Township, Vinton County, Ohio (1990)
- Archaeological Assessment Surveys of 33 Fr 1000, 33 Fr 1001, 33 Fr 1016, and 33 Fr 1033 in Mifflin and Blendon Townships, Franklin County, Ohio (1993)
- Archaeological Investigations For the Proposed AT&T Underground Fiber Optics Line: Hopetown-Xenia Section Through Ross, Fayette, Clinton, and Greene Counties, Ohio (1987)
- Archaeological Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For the Monroe Street Bridge Replacement in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio (1994)
- Archaeological Literature Review and Reconnaissance Survey For the Washington Street Bridge Replacement in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio (1994)
- Archaeological Literature Review and Survey: 3.2 Acres of the Proposed Clinton Hills Development, Clinton Township, Vinton County, Ohio (1990)
- Archaeological Literature Review, Locational Survey, and Site Assessment of 33Fr756, 33Fr757, and 33Fr760: Proposed Scioto Woods Development, City of Columbus, Ohio (1990)
- Archaeological Mitigation of 46MR96 : A Middle Woodland Habitation, Marshall County, West Virginia (1991)
- Archaeological Mitigation of 46MR96 : A Middle Woodland Habitation, Marshall County, West Virginia (1991)
- Archaeological Mitigation of 46MR96 : A Middle Woodland Habitation, Marshall County, West Virginia (1992)
- Archaeological Phase III Assessment Survey of 33 Tu 378, Dover Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (1991)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance: Proposed 2.75 Acre Housing Development in New Waterford, Columbiana County, Ohio (1989)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance: Proposed R & F Coal Company Mining Tract 1112 in Kirkwood Township, Belmont County, Ohio (1989)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance: Proposed R & F Coal Company North County Road 10 Mining Tract in Union and Wheeling Townships, Belmont County, Ohio (1989)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance: Proposed Valley Mining, Inc. Mining Tract 1108 in Salem Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (1989)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance: Proposed Vanport Limestone, Inc. Mining Tract #1049 in Elizabeth Township, Lawrence County, Ohio (1989)
- Archaeological Reconnassiance: Proposed J & D Mining, Inc., Tract 1095 in Goshen Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (1989)
- Archaeological Survey of AA Highway DOT, Greenup County, Kentucky (1991)
- Assessment of Site 33 Cr 266 To Be Impacted By the Proposed Crossroads Industrial Park (1994)
- Assessment of Site 33 Cs 250 in the Holmes Limestone Mining Tract (Permit Application #1245) In Keene Township, Coschocton County, Ohio (1992)
- Assessment Survey: Site 33 Fr 774, in the Proposed Woodstream Village Development Tract, Within the City of Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio (1990)
- Assessment Survey: Site 33 Tu 391 in the Proposed Holmes Limestone Company Mining Tract #D-0796-a In Jefferson Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (1991)
- Assessment Survey: Sites 33 SC 127, 128, and 130 in the Proposed Burkes Point Boat Ramp In Porter Township, Scioto County, Ohio (1991)
- Assessment Survey: Sites 33 VI 355 and 33 VI 356 in the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, Village of MC Arthur, Elk Township, Vinton County, Ohio (1990)
- Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Brady Run Rockshleter 3 (33 Le 165), Washington Township, Lawrence County, Ohio (1989)
- Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of Three Sites (33 Cs 190, 33 Cs 195, and 33 GU 117) and a Portion of a Fourth Site (33 Cs 191) Within the Peabody Coal Co., Simco Mining Tract in Linton Township, Coshocton County and Knox Township, Guer (1990)