Shaune M. Skinner
No description specified.
1-50 (84 Records)
- Addendum To the Phase I and II Archaeological and Historic / Architectural Survey of the Preferred Alignmnent For the Lancaster Bypass (Fai-33-11.22 (P.F. 6267)), Fairfield Co., Ohio (1987)
- Addendum To: Archaeological Investigations For the Proposed AT&T Underground Fiber Optics Cable Project Through Caesar Creek, Xenia, and Beaver Creek Townships, Greene County, Ohio (1987)
- Addendum To: Phase II Archaeological Assessment of Six Sites in Ross County, Ohio and Backhoe Testing of Floodplains In Ross and Fayette Counties, Ohio, To Be Crossed By a Segment of the Hopetown-Xenia AT&T Fiber Optics Cable (1988)
- Additional Archaeological Investigations at 33 Cs 102, Cs 106, and Cs 108, Within the Proposed Oxford Mining Tract #0977, Coshocton County, Ohio (1987)
- Archaeological Assessment of 33 Tu 246 and 33 Tu 264 in Salem Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (1987)
- Archaeological Assessment of Six Sites in the Central Hocking River Valley For the Proposed Relocation of Route 33 Through Athens and Hocking Counties, Ohio (Hoc / Ath-33-14.87 / 16.82 / 00.00 / 02.00 / 03.80-Vol. II (1981)
- Archaeological Investigation in the Adena Park Subdivision Including Excavations of the Connett Mounds 3 and 4, the Wolf Plains National Register District, the Plains, Ohio (1984)
- Archaeological Investigations For the Proposed AT&T Underground Fiber Optics Line: Hopetown-Xenia Section Through Ross, Fayette, Clinton, and Greene Counties, Ohio (1987)
- Archaeological Investigations of the Army Corps of Engineers Excess Properties at Alum Creek Lake and Big Darby Creek (1983)
- Assessment Survey of Five Sites and Additional Information About 33 Tu 440 and 33 Hs 141 / Hol-134-16 for Miller Mining Inc., Mining Permit #1221 in Tuscarawas and Holmes Counties, Ohio (1992)
- Continued Archaeological Investigations For the Proposed Relocation of U.S. Route 33 Through Athens and Hocking Counties, Ohio, Hoc / Ath 33-14.87 / 16.82 / 00.00 / 02.00 / 03.80 (1979)
- Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of Three Sites (33 Cs 190, 33 Cs 195, and 33 GU 117) and a Portion of a Fourth Site (33 Cs 191) Within the Peabody Coal Co., Simco Mining Tract in Linton Township, Coshocton County and Knox Township, Guer (1990)
- Cultural Resource Survey For a Proposed Stripmine in Tuscarawas County, Ohio (Permit Application #704) (1986)
- Cultural Resource Survey For the Proposed Kimbolton Mining Tract, Tuscarawas and Guernsey Counties, OH (Permit Numbers 177-2 and 177-3) (1986)
- Cultural Resource Survey on 3, 323 Acres of the Wayne National Forest, Athens Ranger District (Athens, Hocking, Perry, Washington, and Vinton Counties, Ohio (1986)
- Cultural Resource Survey On 4,536 Acres of Wayne National Forest, Ironton District, Gallia, Lawrence and Scioto Counties, Ohio (1986)
- Cultural Resource Survey On 6,253 Acres in Hocking, Perry, Monroe, and Washington Counties, Ohio, Athens Ranger District, Wayne National Forest (1986)
- Detailed Investigations of Archaeological Resources To Be Affected By the Proposed Construction of U.S. Route 250 in Belmont and Harrison Counties, Ohio (Has-Bel-250-17.87-00.00) (1981)
- Partial Data Recovery at the Dempsey Site (33Ot27), Ottawa Co., Ohio (1985)
- Phase 1 and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Wynneoak Housing Development Near Hilliard, Norwich Township, Franklin County, Ohio (1990)
- Phase I & II Archaeological Resources Survey For the Proposed Mus C.R. 719 Extension in Zanesville, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological and Historic / Architectural Survey of the Preferred Alignment For the Lancaster Bypass (Fai-33-11.22 [P.F. 626]) Fairfield County, Ohio, Volume 2 (1982)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey for the County Road 6 Bridge Replacement, Knox County, Ohio, Kno-CR. 6-0. 00 (P. F. -Kno-19) (1985)
- A Phase I and II Archaeological Survey for the Point Place, Ltd. Apartments Development, South Russell, Logan County, Ohio (1985)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Bridge Expansion Kno-CR6 over Job Run, Knox County, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey For the Proposed D-3 and A-4B Waterline Corridors, Jackson County, Ohio (1985)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey For the Proposed Macmillan Shepherd Adjacent Area, Belmont County, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey For the Proposed Michener-Rinkes Mining Tract, Richland Township, Belmont County, Ohio, Application No. 0847 (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey For the Proposed Outdoor Recreation Development Area, Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey For the Proposed Pike Development Company Project, New Lexington, Ohio (1980)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey For the Proposed Smith Briggs Adjacent Area Permit No. D-0423, Belmont County, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Lumber Expansion Area and Strip Mine in Elk Township, Vinton County, Ohio (1987)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of Portions of the Proposed D-0445-2 Mining Tract, Swan Creek Twp., Vinton Co., Ohio (1987)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of Proposed Excess Property at Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant, Toledo, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of the 1987 Construction Route For the Proposed Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline, Perry County, Ohio (1987)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of the Proposed D-0503 Adjacent Area, Guyan Township, Gallia County, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Garland Creek Mining Tract, Guyan Township, Gallia County, Ohio (Application No. 852) (1986)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Riverfront Park, the City of Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio (1987)
- Phase I and II Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Valley Coal Corporation Strip Mine in Starr Township, Hocking County, Ohio (1986)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey For the Proposed Trade Winds Energy Mining Tract, Union Township, Muskingum County, Ohio (Application No. 0869) (1986)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey of the Ohio River Collieries Company Mining Tract, Belmont County, Ohio (Application #D-0305-1) (1986)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Clear Creek Crossing Bridge Replacement in Fairfield County, Ohio (1988)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Imperial Cup Facility in the Vicinity of Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio (1988)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Willow Brook Christian Village, Delaware County, Ohio (1987)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Avis Coal Tract (Application #1004) in York Township, Athens County, Ohio (1988)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Provident Reclamation Project, Richland Township, Belmont County, Ohio (1988)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Regal Strip Mining Tract, Perry Township, Carroll County, Ohio (Permit Application #D-0682-2) (1988)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Rockmill Industrial Park, Greenfield Township, Fairfield County, Ohio (1989)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Sand Fork II Reclamation Project in Mason Township, Lawrence County, Ohio (1988)
- Phase I and II Cultural Resource Survey: Proposed Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline Company Headquarters Building Site, Berne Township, Fairfield County, Ohio (1988)