Jack M. Schock
No description specified.
151-200 (841 Records)
- An Archaeological Survey of 3.4 Acres for the Proposed Columbia Trace Apartments at Tompkinsville in Monroe County, Kentucky (1986)
- Archaeological Survey of 3.7 Miles of Proposed Sanitary Sewage Improvements for the Utilities Commission, London, Laurel County, Kentucky (1978)
- An Archaeological Survey of 305 Acres for an Industrial Park in Hardin County, Kentucky (1999)
- Archaeological Survey of 4 Acres for the Proposed Cumberland Court Apartments at Monticello in Wayne County, Kentucky (1985)
- Archaeological Survey of 40 Acres for the Proposed Tompkinsville-Monroe County Airport at Tompkinsville in Monroe County, Kentucky (1986)
- Archaeological Survey of 50 Acres for the Proposed Hitachi, Ltd. Manufacturing Facility at Harrodsburg in Mercer County, Kentucky (1985)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed 1,200 Foot Runway Extension for the Murray-Calloway County Airport Northwest of Murray, Calloway County, Kentucky (1976)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed 30 Acre Surface Coal Mine in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky (2002)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed City Park for Princeton, Kentucky (1975)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Housing Subdivision in Sandy Hook (Elliott County), Kentucky (1978)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Industrial Park for the City of Fulton in Fulton County, Kentucky (1978)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Interceptor Phase III at Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky (1978)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Powerline Crossing of Daniel Boone National Forest Tract #30 in Jackson County, Kentucky (1977)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Powerline Crossing of Daniel Boone National Forest Tract #488B in Rowan County, Kentucky (1977)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Sanitary Sewer Extension and Sewer Plant Improvements for the City of Stanford, Lincoln County, Kentucky (1977)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Sewage Treatment Facility and Transmission Lines at Columbia, Adair County, Kentucky (1978)
- An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Sewer Project for Allen, Whitecrest, and Woodland Subdivisions West of Cadiz, Trigg County, Kentucky (1976)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Site for a Comprehensive Community For the Elderly in Marshall County, Kentucky (1977)
- Archaeological Survey of an Approximately 1 Acre Substation Project in Carter County, Kentucky and Phase II Testing of Site 15Cr90 (1990)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 104 Acres for the Proposed Jackson County Industrial Park East of Annville in Jackson County, Kentucky (1985)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 112 Acres for a Proposed Addition To Camp Complex OSM Permit KY-021 in Union County, Kentucky (1988)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 13 Miles for a Proposed Powerline from Prestonsburg To Sublett in Floyd and Magoffin Counties, Kentucky (1989)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 168 Acres at the Proposed East Park in Warren County, Kentucky (1997)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 17 Miles for a Proposed Powerline from Prestonsburg To Paintsville in Floyd and Johnson Counties, Kentucky (1989)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 23.5 Acres for the Proposed Clinton County Park Project North of Albany in Clinton County, Kentucky (1985)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 235 Acres for a Proposed Industrial Park in Lincoln County, Kentucky (2001)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 247 Acres West of Maysville for a Potential Industrial Project in Mason County, Kentucky (1989)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 271 Acres at the South Central Industrial Park At Bowling Green in Warren County, Kentucky (1994)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 3.5 Acres For the Proposed Hillcrest Terrace Apts., Ltd. at Booneville in Owsley County, Kentucky (1944)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 310 Acres for a Coal Mining Permit in Central Butler County, Kentucky (1986)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 371 Acres for a Coal Mine in Southeastern Henderson County, Kentucky (1986)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 40 Acres Near Island in McLean County, Kentucky (1996)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 400 Acres Conducted for the Henderson County Riverport Authority in Henderson County, Kentucky: a Supplement to the Initial Survey Report (1977)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 53 Acres for a Coal Mining Permit in Central Butler County, Kentucky (1988)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 6.5 Miles for a New Ohio River Bridge Near Owensboro in Daviess County, Kentucky (1989)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 65 Acres for a Proposed Park Expansion Near Eddyville in Lyon County (1985)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 7.5 Miles for the Proposed Relocation of U.S. 62 From Southeast of Oxford in Scott County to Leesburg in Harrison County, Kentucky (1994)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 83 Acres for a Coal Loading Facility in Southeastern Henderson County, Kentucky (1986)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 9,000 Feet of Sewer Line Extensions & One Small Life Station, and Testing of a Proposed 15 Acre Oxidation Pond Treatment Facility at Owingsville (1983)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 90 Acres for the Mill Creek Park at Tompkinsville in Monroe County, Kentucky (1986)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately Nine Acres for an Expansion of a Coal Loading Facility at Caseyville in Union County, Kentucky (1987)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately Three Miles for Clearing and Snagging Highland Creek in Union County, Kentucky (1987)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately Twelve Acres for the Hudson Brothers Pullet Facility Near Guthrie in Todd County, Kentucky (1997)
- Archaeological Survey of Aprroixmately 400 Acres Near Colesburg for a Proposed Landfill Project in Hardin County, Kentucky (1989)
- An Archaeological Survey of Backley Creek U.S. 119 Pike County (1976)
- Archaeological Survey of Kentucky Highway 70, Hopkins County, Kentucky (1976)
- An Archaeological Survey of One Mile Along the Town Creek Drainage and Adjacent Buffer Areas at Russellville in Logan County, Kentucky. (1997)
- An Archaeological Survey of Proposed Ceralvo Dock Inc., Location at Green River Mile 92.0, Ohio County, Kentucky (1979)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Interceptor Sewer Lines Along Jennings Creek and Nashville Road at Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky (1978)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Lake Barkley Resort State Park Airport Trigg County, Kentucky (1977)