Donald J. Weir
No description specified.
51-74 (74 Records)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Middle Branch of the Cass River and Hyslop Drain, Sanilac County, Michigan (1975)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Middle Branch of the Cass River and Hyslop Drain, Sanilac County, Michigan (1975)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Haul Road Area, Wm. H. Zimmer Generating Station, Clermont County, Ohio (1986)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Woodsdale Road and Dicks Creek Proposed Combustion Turbine Generating Station Sites, Butler County, Ohio (1989)
- Drummond Island Loran-Mini-Chain Site Archeological Survey for the Ninth Coast Guard District (1975)
- An Evaluation of the Archaeological Resources of the Upper East Bend Bottom, Boone County, Kentucky: Test Pit and Artifact Descriptions (1976)
- Historic Background, Highway 73 Crossing, Butler County, Ohio, For the Proposed Lebanon Pipeline Route, Ohio Portions (1989)
- Historical and Archeological Reconnaissance Survey of the U.S. Navy's Proposed Extremely Low Frequency (Elf) Communication System, Marquette and Dickinson Counties, Michigan (1984)
- Intensive Archaeological Survey and Geoarchaeological Investigations Along the Dayton Lateral Pipeline, Montgomery County, Ohio (1991)
- Phase I Archeological and Geoarcheological Site Location Survey for the M-49 Bridge Replacement Project, Camden, Michigan (1984)
- Phase I Archeological Investigation and Deep Site Testing Along M-45, Ottawa County, Michigan (1984)
- Phase I Preliminary Cultural Resource Site Identification for a Curve Realignment On M-49 Between Litchfield and Allen, Hillsdale County, Michigan (1982)
- Phase II Archeological Testing and Historical / Architectural Review for the Proposed Connectors Between M-62 and US-31, Berrien County, Michigan (1983)
- Phase II Cultural Resource Investigation of Three Sites Within the M-59 Corridor in Macomb County, Michigan (1982)
- Preliminary Historic and Archeological Resource Survey for the I-94 Blue Water Bridge Plaza Revision, Port Huron, Michigan (1983)
- Shovel Test Profiles For the Proposed Lebanon Pipeline Route, Ohio Portion (1989)
- St. Aubin Park Archeological Testing (1985)
- Survey and Assessment of Archaeological and Historical Resources to be Affected by Dike and Revetment Construction Along the Mississippi River, Hickman and Fulton Counties, Kentucky (1976)
- Survey Procedures For the Proposed Lebanon Pipeline Route, Ohio Portion (1989)
- Testing and Evaluation of Eight Sites On the Trailblazer Pipeline in Nebraska and Wyoming (1982)
- Testing and Evaluation of Two Sites, 25CY04 and 25GO61 on the Trailblazer Pipeline in Nebraska (1982)
- Trailblazer Pipeline (1982)
- Trailblazer Pipeline, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming (1981)
- Volume I: An Archeological Resource Inventory, Trailblazer Pipeline, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming (1982)