Charles B. Stout
No description specified.
1-26 (26 Records)
- Adams Meets St. Francis: Lower Mississippi Valley Site Classification Critiqued (1991)
- Adams Site: a Spatial Analysis Preliminary Report (1985)
- Adena Ritual Development: An Organizational Type in a Temporal Perspective (1991)
- Archaeological Survey Along Portage River and Dorrance Creek Above Indian Lake in Pavilion Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan (1982)
- Aspects of Settlement Patterning at Wickliffe (15Ba4) (1991)
- The Camargo Mound and Earthworks: Preliminary Findings (1991)
- Constantine Rafinesque and the Canton Site, a Mississippian Town in Trigg County, Kentucky (1995)
- Historic Period Sites Recorded for the Kalamazoo River Basin, 1977-1981 (1982)
- Historic Settlement Patterns within Robinson Forest, Breathitt and Knott Counties, Kentucky. (1991)
- The Human Landscape in Kentucky's Past: Site Structure and Settlement Patterns (1991)
- Kentucky Landscapes: the Role of Environmental Reconstruction in Settlement Pattern Studies (1991)
- The Middle Green River Shell Mounds: Challenging Traditional Interpretations using Internal Site Structure Analysis (1991)
- Mississippian Sites in Western Kentucky: Variations on a General Mississippian Theme? (1984)
- Mississippian Towns and Sacred Spaces: Searching for an Architectural Grammar (1998)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of a .8 ha (1.8 acre) TVA lot on Wildcat Creek in Calloway County, Kentucky (1995)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of a 0.2 ha (0.5 acre) Proposed Borrow Related to the Construction of the Towery Bridge in Caldwell County, Kentucky (1995)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of a 1.0 ha (2.5 a.) TVA Lot for the Proposed Public Dock on Buckhorn Bay in Marshall County, Kentucky (1995)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of a 1.4 ha (3.1) Acre TVA Lot in Grand Rivers, Livingston County, Kentucky (1995)
- The Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Building Site and Pipeline East of Bardstown in Nelson County, Kentucky (1994)
- The Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Dock Facility at Ohio River Mile 928.39 in Livingston County, Kentucky (1995)
- The Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Golf Course Location in Trigg County, Kentucky (1994)
- The Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Site For the Salem Nursing Home in Livingston County, Kentucky (1994)
- The Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Hanson Mine in Hopkins County, Kentucky (1995)
- Toward a Functional Grammar of Mississippian Town Composition in Kentucky (1993)
- Trends and Trajectories in Western Kentucky Woodland Period Settlement Patterning (1991)
- Woodland Settlement Trends and Symbolic Architecture in the Kentucky Bluegrass (1991)