Isabelle Lulewicz
1-6 (6 Records)
- Academic Jobs in Archaeology (2018)
- A Combined Bayesian and Zooarchaeological Approach to Understanding Local Histories of Socio-Ecological Adaptation in Southwestern Florida, USA (2019)
- From Habitat Exploitation to Monument Construction: Exploring the Nature of Shell Deposits at Crystal River and Roberts Island through Stable Isotope Geochemistry (2016)
- Selfish for Shellfish, or Magnanimous about Mollusks? The Transformation of Cooperation across the First Millennium CE at Crystal River and Roberts Island, Florida, USA (2019)
- Shell Mound Architecture and Cooperative Mass Oyster Collection on the Central Gulf Coast of Florida, USA (2017)
- Village Aggregation and Native Subsistence Practices at a Middle Woodland Mound Center, Gulf Coast Florida, USA (2018)