Laura Longo
No description specified.
1-18 (18 Records)
- Archeologia sperimentale e analisi funzionale: ipotesi, verifiche e nuove interpretazioni (2003)
- Archeologia sperimentale nell'archeologia italiana (2003)
- Artefacts d'outils ou supports epuises? Une nouvelle approche pour l'etudes des industries du Paléolithique ancient: le cas d'Isernia La Pineta (Molise, Italie Centrale) (1997)
- The carinated denticulates from the Paleolithic site of Isernia La Pineta, Molise, Central Italy: tools or flaking waste? The results of the 1993 lithic experiments (1994)
- Collezione sperimentale di contesi funzionali paleolitici. Metodologia e risultati (2003)
- The contribution of Ethno-Archaeological Macro- and Microscopic wear traces to the understanding of archaeological hide-working (2008)
- Det store norske knakkesteinprosjektet presenterer: kankkesteinmassakeren (2009)
- Eksperimentell Arkeologi – et försök på en utredning (2009)
- Experimental testing with polished green stone axes and adzes. Technology and use (2008)
- From traces to function of ornaments: some Neolithic examples (2008)
- Functional analysis of grinding stones: the blind test contribution (2008)
- Hunting, what? Early Mesolithic backed points in north-eastern Italy (2008)
- L'industria litica. L'analisi delle trace d'uso (1994)
- Looking for prehistoric basketry and cordage using inorganic remains: the evidence from stone tools (2008)
- Neolithic bone needles and vegetal fibres working: experimentation and use-wear analysis (2008)
- Nød lærer naken kvinne å spinne – men hva med flinthuggeren? Et eksperiment om læringsprocesser i flinthugging (2009)
- Prehistoric Technology 40 Years Later: Functional Studies and the Russian Legacy (2008)
- The Relationship between Coastal and Inland Settlements in Mesolithic Sout-East Norway – An Experimental Approach (2008)