Boris Rankov
No description specified.
1-37 (37 Records)
- As seen by a passer-by (2012)
- The Athenian Trireme. The History and Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Warschip (2000)
- Battle manoeuvres for fast triremes (2012)
- Beyond Olympias: an outsider's view (2012)
- Breaking down boundaries: the experience of the multidisciplinary Olympias project (2004)
- Comments on Olympias (2012)
- Cordone, contracordone and hypozomata (2012)
- The dimensions of the ancient trireme: a reconsideration of the evidence (2012)
- The effect of bilge water on displacement, vertical centre of gravity and metacentric height of Olympias in the trial condition (2012)
- Experimental boat and ship archaeology: principles and methods (1995)
- From the Golden Horn to Heraclea: duration of the passage in calm weather (2012)
- Human mechanical power sustainable in rowing a ship for long periods of time (2012)
- Impact damage from ramming collisions (2012)
- Olympias 1992 trials report (2012)
- Olympias at the Olympics, 2004 (2012)
- Olympias on the Thames, 1993 (2012)
- Olympias under sail, and other performance matters: a practical seaman's perspective (2012)
- On slipping and launching triremes from the Peiraeus shipsheds and from beaches (2012)
- On the speed of ancient oared ships: the crossing of L. Aemilius Paullus from Brindisi to Corfu in 168 BC (2012)
- Paleo-bioenergetics: clues to the maximum sustainable speed of a trireme under oar (2012)
- The performance of ancient triremes in wind and waves (2012)
- Preface to the proposals for a revised design (2012)
- The proposed design of any second reconstruction (2012)
- The reconstructed trireme Olympias and her critics (2012)
- Reconstructing the past: the operation of the trireme reconstruction Olympias in the light of the historical sources (1994)
- Report of the sea trials of the Olympias trireme 1994 (2012)
- Rowing Olympias: a matter of skill (1993)
- The slow trireme experience in Olympias in 1994 (2012)
- Towards a revised design of a Greek trireme of the fourth century BC: advantages of a long stroke (2012)
- Triereis under oar and sail (2012)
- The Trireme (2009)
- Trireme life span and leakage: a wood technologist's perspective (2012)
- Trireme Olympias: The Final Report. Sea Trials 1992-4, Conference Papers 1998 (2012)
- Triremes and shipworm (2012)
- An unauthentic reconstruction (2012)
- Uniformity or multiplicity? On Vitruvius’ interscalmium (2012)
- Xenophon on the speed of triremes (2012)