John F Coates
No description specified.
1-27 (27 Records)
- The 1990 sea-trials of the reconstructed Greek trireme Olympias (1981)
- An Alternative Reconstruction (1984)
- The Athenian Trireme (1987)
- An Athenian Trireme reconstructed: the British Sea trials of Olympias, 1987 (1989)
- The Athenian Trireme. The History and Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Warschip (2000)
- The Athenian Trireme: the history and reconstruction of an ancient Greek warship (1986)
- Authenticity in the replica Athenian Trieres (1987)
- Development of the Design (1993)
- Die athenische Triere: Geschichte und Rekonstruktion eines Kriegsschiffes der griechischen Antike (1990)
- The effect of bilge water on displacement, vertical centre of gravity and metacentric height of Olympias in the trial condition (2012)
- Experimental boat and ship archaeology: principles and methods (1995)
- The Greek Trireme of the 5th century BC (1986)
- Human mechanical power sustainable in rowing a ship for long periods of time (2012)
- Hypothetical reconstruction and the naval architect (1977)
- On slipping and launching triremes from the Peiraeus shipsheds and from beaches (2012)
- Power and speed of oared ships (1994)
- The proposed design of any second reconstruction (2012)
- Safe carrying capacity of the hypothetical reconstruction [of the Brigg raft] (1981)
- The Sea Trials of the reconstructed Athenian Trireme Olympias: A reply to Lucien Basch (1993)
- The strength and behaviour of tension-tourniquets, or Spanish windlasses of natural fibre ropes (1987)
- Structural philosophy and technology - clues from shipwrecks (1984)
- Techniques of reconstruction (1984)
- The trieres, its design and construction (1989)
- Trireme life span and leakage: a wood technologist's perspective (2012)
- Trireme project - design and trials (1989)
- The Trireme Sails Again (1989)
- The Trireme trials 1988: report on the Anglo-Hellenic sea trials of Olympias (1990)