John S Morrison
No description specified.
1-16 (16 Records)
- Ancient Greek measures of Length in Nautical Contexts (1991)
- The Athenian Trireme (1987)
- An Athenian Trireme reconstructed: the British Sea trials of Olympias, 1987 (1989)
- The Athenian Trireme: the history and reconstruction of an ancient Greek warship (1986)
- Authenticity in the replica Athenian Trieres (1987)
- Comment on "The Athenian trireme" by A.E Tilley (1988)
- Die athenische Triere: Geschichte und Rekonstruktion eines Kriegsschiffes der griechischen Antike (1990)
- Greek oared ships (1968)
- The Greek Trireme (1941)
- The re-creation of the Trireme (1985)
- The Sea Trials of the reconstructed Athenian Trireme Olympias: A reply to Lucien Basch (1993)
- Sea trials of the reconstructed trireme (1987)
- The sea trials of the trireme: Poros 1987 (1988)
- Some problems in trireme reconstruction (1984)
- The trieres reconstruction; value and authenticity: the nature of the evidence (1989)
- Trieres: the evidence from Antiquity (1993)