Norm Kidder
No description specified.
1-34 (34 Records)
- Acorn granaries of California - a brief overview (2004)
- An Atlatl Spur from the San Francisco Bay Area (2006)
- Central California Music (1995)
- Deer Hoof Rattles (1999)
- Fire (1994)
- Fire (1999)
- The Fire Watchers - It all depends - Being where you live (2009)
- The fire watchers: Steppe by step. The Plain truth: a prairie home compendium (2010)
- Green wood carving with Stone Age tools (2010)
- How to weave a basket - a primer (2006)
- Introduction to Tule Ethnobotany (1993)
- Making a soaproot bush. An instructional photo sequence (2006)
- Making Cordage By Hand (2001)
- Making stick dice (2008)
- Musical Instruments of Central California (1999)
- Pause for thought - Homo sapiens - a basket case (2006)
- A pause for thought, Putting the genes in genius (2011)
- Pomo Netting (1995)
- Pomo Netting as learned from Craig Bates (1999)
- A Pomo Tule Doll (1994)
- Primitive cooking (1997)
- Random Thoughts on Tradition vs. Technology (2001)
- Riding the Reed ponies of Peru (2008)
- The Scapular Saw (1995)
- The Scapular Saw: A Stone and Bone Age Project (2001)
- A serious look at games (2008)
- Sharing old ways with the young (1996)
- Steam bending wood (2001)
- Storage - an overview (2004)
- The ties that BIND and the bindings that tie (1999)
- Tradition vs. Technology (1995)
- Tree harvesting with spontaneous tools (2011)
- Tule Ethnobotany (1999)
- Was agriculture a good idea, or an act of desperation? (2002)