Scott Jones
No description specified.
1-31 (31 Records)
- Atlatl darts: the long and the short of it (2006)
- Atlatl Technology: Some Further Reflections (2009)
- Barefootin' (2006)
- Deep roots: indigenous horticulture in Eastern North America (1998)
- Earthlodge II (1999)
- Earthlodge: a design test (1998)
- Favorite things (2006)
- The Fire Watchers – A modern primitive perspective on transportation (2008)
- Fire Watchers: to the SPT membership (2006)
- Five-centimeter biface (2005)
- Gastroliths as artifacts (2010)
- How does the modern primitive dress? (2006)
- How to make a pretty darned good atlatl (2004)
- Just scraping by: beyond the biface bias (2001)
- Learn the drill, bipolar flaking, microdrills and personal adornment (2000)
- Legends of the fall line: geography as transportation (2000)
- Modern Megaliths (2006)
- More news from the archaic kitchen: the roots of ceramic technology in North America (1998)
- Northern skills head south (1997)
- Paths of fire (2008)
- A Pause for thought (2009)
- A Pause for Thought: please read (2007)
- Perforated soapstone slabs: the technology of archaic cuisine (1997)
- Primitive gourdcraft (2002)
- Putting the wood in woodcraft (2007)
- Quarry spalling: the fine art of massive fracture or, it takes spalls to be a flintknapper (2001)
- Rocks in the Fire (2007)
- Small-scale thermal alteration. A case study and experiment in southeastern archaeology (2001)
- Smashing success: pleistocene lithic replication in South Carolina (2002)
- A tool's worth: a functional survey of lithic materials for flaked stone tools (2005)
- Wooden pressure flakers (2001)