Richard P. Wheeler
No description specified.
1-50 (55 Records)
- Additional Field Work in Jamestown Reservoir, James River, North Dakota
- Appraisal of the Archeological and Paleontological Resources of the Jamestown Reservoir North Dakota: Supplement (1953)
- Appraisal of the Archeological and Paleontological Resources of the Keyhole Reservoir, Crook County, Wyoming (1951)
- Appraisal of the Archeological and Paleontological Resources of the Keyhole Reservoir, Crook County, Wyoming (1951)
- Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Coralville Reservoir, Iowa River, Iowa (1949)
- Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Fondulac Reservoir and Farmdale Reservoir, Tazewell County, Illinois (1949)
- Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Homme Reservoir, Walsh County, Pembina River Reservoir, Cavalier County, and Tongue River Reservoir, Pembina County, North Dakota (1948)
- Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Orwell Reservoir, Otter Tail County Minnesota (1948)
- Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Red Rock Reservoir Des Moines River Iowa (1949)
- Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Red Rock Reservoir Des Moines River Iowa (1949)
- Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Red Rock Reservoir, Des Moines River, Iowa (1949)
- Archeological Remains in Three Reservoir Areas In South Dakota and Wyoming, Parts 1-3 (1957)
- Archeological Remains in Three Reservoir Areas in South Dakota and Wyoming. River Basin Surveys, Smithsonian Institution. (See card catalog) (1957)
- Archeological Remains Inn the Angostura Reservoir Area, South Dakota, and in the Keyhole and Boysen Reservoir Areas, Wyoming (Parts I-III) (1957)
- Edge-Abraded Flakes, Blades and Cores in the Puebloan Tool Assemblage (1965)
- Long House, Mesa Verde National Park (Publications In Archeology 7H, Wetherill Mesa Studies) (1980)
- Mounds and Earthworks in the Jamestown Reservoir Area, North Dakota (1958)
- Mounds and Earthworks in the Jamestown Reservoir Area, North Dakota
- Note On the "McKean Lanceolate Point" (1951)
- Note on the McKean Lanceolate Point. Smithsonian Institution, River Basin Surveys pre-1953
- Plains Ceramic Analysis: a Check-List of Features and Descriptive Terms. Published in Plains Conference Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 29-36 (1952)
- Pre-Ceramic Subsistence Patterns in the Great Plains (1952)
- The Pre-Ceramic Subsistence Patterns in the Great Plains (1952)
- The Prehistory and Early History of the Niobrara River Basin (1953)
- The Prehistory and Early History of the Niobrara River Basin (1953)
- Prehistory and Early History of the Niobrara River Basin. Bureau of Reclamation, Missouri Basin Project-Smithsonian Institution (1953)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological and Paleontological Resources of Rocky Ford Reservoir Shannon County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Bixby Reservoir Perkins County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Bixby Reservoir Perkins County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Bixby Reservoir, Perkins County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Bixby Reservoir, Perkins County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Cannonball Reservoir Grant County, North Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Cannonball Reservoir, Grant County, North Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Moorhead Reservoir Powder River County, Montana and Sheridan and Campbell Counties, Wyoming (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Moorhead Reservoir Powder River County, Montana and Sheridan and Campbell Counties, Wyoming (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Moorhead Reservoir, Powder River County, Montana and Sheridan and Campbell Counties, Wyoming (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Moorhead Reservoir, Powder River County, Montana, and Sheridan and Campbell Counties, Wyoming (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Onion Flat, Soral Creek, and Raft Lake Reservoirs, Big Horn River Basin, Fremont County, Wyoming (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Philip Reservoir Haakon County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Philip Reservoir, Harkon County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Rockyford Reservoir, Shannon County, South Dakota (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Rathbun Reservoir, Chariton River Basin, Iowa (1949)
- Preliminary Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Rathbun Reservoir, Chariton River Basin, Iowa. Field Notes (1948)
- Preliminary Archeological Reconnaissance of Coral Ville Reservoir (Turkey Creek Dam Site), Flood Control Project On the Iowa River, Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Rock Island, Illinois (1949)
- Preliminary Archeological Reconnaissance of Coralville Reservoir (Turkey Creek Dam Site), Flood Control Project On the Iowa River, Department of Thee Army, Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Rock Island, Illinois (1949)
- Preliminary Archeological Reconnaissance of Rathburn Reservoir (Proposed), Flood Control Project in the Chariton River Basin, Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District (1948)
- Preliminary Report: Archeological Resources of the Proposed or Considered Reservoirs in the Illinois River Basin, Central and Northern Illinois. River Basin Surveys Smithsonian Institution (1949)
- River Basin Surveys Papers, No. 30: Stutsman Focus: An Aboriginal Culture Complex In the Jamestown Reservoir Area, North Dakota (1963)
- Stratified Woodland Site in the Oahe Reservoir Area, South Dakota (1985)
- Stutsman Focus: An Aboriginal Culture Complex in the Jamestown Reservoir Area, North Dakota