E. K. Gordon
No description specified.
101-138 (138 Records)
- Ferron Federal 14-27 Well and Road (1982)
- Final Cultural Resource Inventory Report 1978 Taiga / Coseka Drilling Program 1978 Northwest Pipeline Corporation West Foundation Creek Gathering System Rio Blanco / Garfield Counties, Colorado (Volumes 1 and 2) (1979)
- Final Cultural Resource Inventory Report, 1978 Taiga / Coseka Drilling Program, 1978 Northwest Pipeline Corporation West Foundation Creek Gathering System, Rio Blanco / Garfield Counties, Colorado; Volume 1 (1979)
- Fischer-Licini Access Road (1982)
- Form 8100 for Northwest Pipeline Corp, Cathodic Protection Station #1384 (1982)
- Freeman United Coal Mining Co., Drill Hole #17 (1980)
- Freeman United Coal Mining Company Drill Hole #16 and Access Road (1980)
- Letter Report: a Cultural Resources Inventory of a Proposed Chandler and Associates, Inc. Natural Gas Pipeline Right-Of-Way and Compressor Station Area (1981)
- Letter Report: Cultural Resource Inventory of a Proposed Energy Reserves Group Oil / Gas Well Location and Associated Access Roads, Sweetwater County, Wyoming (1980)
- Neighborhood Treatment Plant Site "E", Neighborhood Treatment Plant Site "M", Lagoon Site, Sewage Interceptor Route; Three Lakes Water and Sanitation District (1977)
- Northfield Line Rebuild (1975)
- Northwest Exploration Weaver #1 Pipeline (R / W 77473) Federal #1-19 Sales Meter Station Site (R / W 77581) Rainbow Resources Federal #24-19 Pipeline (R / W 78103): Cultural Resource Inventory Report (1978)
- Northwest Pipeline Cps #1382 (1982)
- Nrm Petroleum Well & Road: Report of Examination for Cultural Resources (1982)
- Orangeville Fed 16-6 and Road (1982)
- Pacific Transimission Supply Well #13-30 Federal (1979)
- Pacific Transmission Supply Well #42-5 Federal and Access (1979)
- Pankratz-Ramseyer Access Road, San Isabel National Forest (1975)
- Preliminary Cultural Resource Inventory Report Goshorn Draw Timber Sale Uncompahgre National Forest (1975)
- Preliminary Cultural Resource Report for Lindsey Spring Timber Sale Uncompahgre National Forest (1975)
- Proposed Coseka Resources Well Location #8-32-4-101 (1980)
- Proposed Kipling Street Extension Project, Jefferson County, Colorado (Two Volumes) (1980)
- Proposed Maynard Oil Delta Unit #1-24 Well Location, Moffat County, Colorado: Cultural Resource Inventory Report (Two Volumes) (1979)
- Proposed Panhandle Eastern - Anadarko Gathering System and Well Locations in Moffat County, Colorado and Sweetwater County, Wyoming (1979)
- Proposed Panhandle Eastern-Andarko Gathering System and Well Locations in Moffat County, Colorado and Sweetwater County, Wyoming (and Additional Report) (1979)
- Report To the United States Forest Service On the Excavations in Baca County, Colorado (1973)
- Sedgwick-Sand Draws Watershed Project, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (1975)
- Sommerville Table Archaeological Survey and Assessment, Sf 18-Co-050-77-2 (1977)
- Storm Mountain, Timber Sales (1977)
- Telluride Company Water Line (1976)
- Texas Energy Fed 1-14 No. 2 Well (1981)
- Tipco Federal 13-31 Well and Road (1982)
- Wastewater Treatment System Alternate Plant Site No. 3, Alternative No. 5, Granby Sanitation District, Granby, Colorado (1976)
- Well #4076-13-23 and Access Road, Anschutz Corporation (1978)
- Well Location Federal 7674 #1 (GS Lease #U-7674) Anschutz Corporation and Well Location USA 4970-Federal #1 (Lease #U-10186) and Access Road (1978)
- Wyoming Fuel 120 Acre Tract (1980)
- Wyoming Fuel Co: Coal Exploration Extension, Jackson County, Co (1980)
- Wyoming Fuel Coal Lease Appl. C-30168 (1981)