Liam Brady
1-6 (6 Records)
- Considering Seascapes, Waterscapes and the Relational (2018)
- Dating the Spirit Men: Radiocarbon Dating Saltwater Rock Art of the Yanyuwa People in Northern Australia (2018)
- Embodiment and Relatedness: the rock art of Muluwa, Wulibirra, and Kamandarringabaya (2017)
- Meaningful Choices and Relational Networks: Analyzing Western Arnhem Land’s Painted Hand Rock Art Style Using Chaîne Opératoire (2024)
- The Process of Interpretation: The Antiquity of the Namurlanjanyngku and Post-Contact History in Yanyuwa Country, Northern Australia (2019)
- Referencing the Relational in ‘Saltwater’ Rock Art, Northern Australia (2018)